Neo-Con's "Green" Plan Is A Fraud Say's Gore

Sun, April 29, 2007

TORONTO -- The Conservatives' new environmental platform is a "complete and total fraud" that is "designed to mislead the Canadian people," former U.S. vice-president Al Gore says.

The noted environmentalist was presenting his Oscar- winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth in Toronto at a consumer environmental show, with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and environmentalist David Suzuki in attendance.

Gore praised Suzuki for confronting Environment Minister John Baird on Friday, saying he saw the two exchange words on TV.



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Religion Of Peace?

Eye gouging, de-nosing and tongue removal
was this woman's punishment for seeing.....

.....a gynecologist.


Anglo-Saxons are NOT Israelites

Here is a breakdown of my understanding of British Israelism/Christian Identity as I have learned it through self study. It took 2 days to write this out, but over 20 years to research it(Christinsanity in general, not just THIS subject).

The whole concept of CI rests on the notion that the Ten Tribes were lost. If this is proved to be not true, then everything else the advocates of Christian Identity may say is of no avail to prove their cases.

The fact of the matter is that the ten tribes were never lost and the term "ten tribes" as applied to the ten tribes of Israel is a misnomer. It may sound wonderfully mysterious to talk about lost tribes, and the idea that they are members of Gods chosen race is very exciting to many, hence the popularity in the WN/Racialist movement.

To prove that the ten tribes were never lost you must look at history, not the Bible. I won't use mythological stories and legends as a source of infomation as the CI adhearents do, other than the bible.

Most who have an understanding of the bible know that under Saul, David and Solomon Israel existed as twelve tribes, with Levy being the 13th but having no spereate inheritance, and two of the tribes came from Jospheph through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh.

The kindoms split under the rule of Solomons son Rehoboam. The ten northern tribes followed his leadership as he set himself up as the king of Tirzah(as we can read in "1 Kings 14:17) Under Omri, the sixth king of the Northern tribes, the kingdom was re-located in Samaria. This kingdom lasted about 250 years under 19 wicked kings and 9 families.

These northern tribes endulged in idol worship throught this entire period of time and not one of their kings was a godly man. The two southern tribes retained the descendants of David as their king and after the other tribes were enslaved they had 3 revivals of their religion and had 150 years of freedom after the other 10 tribes were stolen. Any real study of these kingdoms clearly shows that Judah and NOT Israel was the channel that Jewhova chose to preserve his "truth"(wow, it was painful calling this 'truth').

THe CI theory rest upon the idea that these 2 kingdoms were seperate and existed as completely seperate nations and have very seperate destinies. It doesn't account for any mixture of the peoples, nor the possibility that all the 12 tribes finally emerged into one ethnic and religious group. The 'facts' as recorded in the bible clearly state that there was constant interacion between the people from these 2 kingdoms and that after captivity they eventually lost their tribal identity and finally were known as Jews.

Not all of the people in the ten tribes followed Jeroboam when he built his seperate kingdom. Some of these people united with Benjamin and Judah and it is clearly indicated in 1 Kings 12:21-24.

The "remnant of the people" could be none others than the 10 tribes who chose to say with Rehoboam and teh kingdom of Judah. It is clear that the southern kingdom actually represented the people from all the tribes.

Eventually, the entire tribe of Levy joined the south along with a large number of people from the 10 tribes who decided to come back. If you read 2 Chron 11:14-17 you see that once again there is a gathering of the people from all the tribes in the southern kingdom.

Not long after that, under the rule of King Asa, there was a religious revival of sorts with blessings from God in Judah when a great number of the northern people joined in the south with their racial kinsmen. Then in 2 Chron 15:9 we read that a great number of of the ten tribes joined with Asa and his people. It is more than obvious that the kingdom of Judah did not only represent the people form the two tribes but also from the rest of Israel as well.

Then gain under Hezekia we can see that the people who 'rejoiced' together in the worship of God included the remnants of teh ten tribes(2 Chron 30:25-26). According to this, it is clear that God favored Judah and it was form this kingdom that the majority of the godly people from the ten tribes identified theselves with. It was blessed by David, the temple of Solomon and some 'godly' kings that ruled and led durring these reliious revivals. This means that the norht was qwiouth a king of Gods choice and without a temple that god has designed.

Its clear that Jewhova recognized the kings of judah as the kings of his ENTIRE chosen race/nation. he never intended that the ten tribes should even continue to exist as seperate kingdoms and he spoke of the day when the two kingdoms would unite into one with Jewrusalem as the center of worship. In Chron 2 21:1-2 you can see that Jehoshaphat who is the 4th king of the southern tribes is called the KING OF ISRAEL. In 2 Chron 28:19 Ahaz, who is the 11th ruler of Judah is called the KING OF ISRAEL. According to the bible, god considered these descendants of David as the rulers of his ENTIRE 12 tribes. I guess god didn't recognize the distinction between Israel and Judah that the Anglo-Isralite theorists insist is an absolute necessity.

That is not where the merging of the tribes ends though. In 721 BC, after the kingdoms were taken into captivity, they were defeated by teh Assyrians and a number of them were taken captive. The OT doesnt tell us how many were deported from the land, but an inscription by Sargon, the ruler who succeeded Shalmaneser says...and I quote:

"I besieged the City of Samaria and took it. I carried off 27, 280 of the citizens; I chose 50 chariots for myself from the whole number taken; all the other property of the people of the town I left for my servents to take. I appointed resident officers over them, and imposed on them the same tribute as had formerly been paid. In the place fo those taken into capitivity I sent thither inhabitants of lands conquered by me, and imposed the tribute on them which I required from Assyrians."

It's possible that some of other deportions took place but this text indicates that the large majority of these people were left in their own lands with Assyrian aapointed leaders to rule over them. These citizens of the ten tribes were the majority of the population and placed themselves under the rule of Judah. This is clearly pointed out by the fact about 100 years after Assyria handed them an ass kickin' and deported some fo the people a large number of the people joined in the religiou festivals durring the revival under Josia, the KING OF JUDAH, as seen in 2 Chron 34:9 and 2 Chron 35:17-18.

This means that most of the people were NOT displaced by Assyria and in fact stayed in their own lands and many joined with the king of Judah. Even afetr the ten tribes were taken into captivity, in a very real sense, the process of amalgamation(sp?) between the two people of Judah and Israel continued.

Another mistake the CI's make in their effort to 'lose' the ten tribes is the fact that Assyria and Babylon became one empire. Less than 50 years later the two kingsdoms were under the same rule. Therfore when Babylon started to transport captives out of Judah they were moving them to a place where people rom the 10 tribes were living. Its easy to prove this. 2 Kings 17:6 tells us where they were the Israelites were taken, in about 721 BC. When Ezekial was carried away to Babylon in about 590 BC, just befoer Judah was completely defeated 4 years later, he and the other exiiles from Judah lived in this area. Its here that the Assyrian and Babylonian captives gradually merged into one people.

Years later when the remnant returned from captivity to the lands of Palestine, Ezra DEFINITLY recognized the Jews as representing all of the tribes of Israel. This is clearly shown in Ezra 6:17, which I'll quote:

"And he offered at the dedication...twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel".

When Alexander the Great was leading, many of the Jews settled in Palestine and had great freedoms. Other jews were establishing colonies through the world by this time. Everywhere - Asia Minor and the coastal regions of the Agean, souther europe, egypt, northern africa india and china all knew the presence of the jewish menace. There was jew synagogs everywhere but at the great feast celebrations(you know, holidays) Jewrusalem was their center of worshop and millions would come to the city to pay respect to their tribal god of insanity, murder, mayhem and evil(AKA Jewhova) and anyone who was connected with Moses and still looked to Jewrusalem as the Holiest City were considered Jews.

The ten tribes were never lost and James recognized this in teh NT when he write his epistle to the Jewish believers of his day. He recognized them as athe twelve tribes and used the term "twelve tribes" when addressing them(James 1:1). In this day when anti-semitism was common, remember that EVERY one of Jesus apostles who Jesus himself allegedly chose was loyal to the religion of Jewrusalem. Jewsus himself practiced the rituals of this Jewish faith. When he sent his desciple to the lost 'sheep' of the house of Israel, he obviously ment the jews. According to the British Israelites and CI's, the TRUE Israelites should have been in Britain for several hundreds of years by this time. I guess Jesus did not know this when he sent his spostles throught Judaea to reach the "lost sheep of israel". ( lachen ) It was in sysnagogs that they carried their message. Remeber too, that on the day of Penticost a large number of of the people from ALL parts of the Great Aryan Empire of Rome who were jews gathered for their religious holidays. The people who Peter preached to on the day of Penticost were the same people who cried "Crucify Him. His blood be on us and our children". Just read Peters declaration to them in Acts 2:22-24.

These same people that rejected Jewsus were the ones who Peter gave the message of repentance. Peter told these jews - who crucified Jewsus - that this'Christ" would return as their King if they wold "recieve him"(Acts 3:19-26)

If the Israelites were indeed in Britian at this time, then Jesus and Peter made the horrid mistakes in the message to these jews that rejected Jewsus as the "Christ".

It's all based on legends. One shoudl assume that a theory of this nature would be backed by historical prof. This is not the case though. Not at all. Some of these people - even some who post here on FNF! - think that some of the lost tribes made their way to Denmark and then to England. Then they say that another group from Dan followed Jeremiah to Ireland who brought with them the daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of judah. Her name was Tea Tephi. She supposedly fell in love with the king of Ireland and they got married. Then they claim that Queen Victoria is a direct descendant of these people and therefore the kingdom of Israel was transfered to England. There is NO evidence that Zedekiah's daughter went to Ireland. Hell, we have NO REASON AT ALL to even believe there was even a Tea Tephi. Ther are a few old poems and songs that mention somone named Tea,a nd also some of somone named Tephi, but this is only in Mythology and there is no real evidence to support this. If we are to believe these fables then we must agree that there were: a) flying fire breathing green scaled dragons, b) werewolfs, c) magic trolls, and last but not least - d) flying pigs. The CIs like to play games with words and tie these two seperate mythologies together to create their mythology of an anglo-israelite queen named Tea Tephi.

Its a well known fact that there is no reliable history intil a few centuries after Jewsus lived. No respectable scholar will for a monment take these ludicrous claims on the Anglo-Israelite theorizers. I wonder why the CI never make reference to the fact that Zedekiah was not even a rightful king of Judah. He was made the king by Nebuchadnezzer but he didnt have legal rights to the throne. He was the uncle of the last legal king Jehoiachin and his sons were the heir to the throne( 2 kings 24:17-18 and 1 Chron 3:17 and also Matt 1:11-12) Even if Zedekiah had surviving sons they would NOT have been legal heirs to the throne. Ezekiel even refers to Zedekiah as the "prince in Jerusalem" not the king.

Another retarded claim of teh CIs is that God cursed Jehoiachin (Jewr 22:24-30) and therefore the throne right is passed along to his uncle Zedekiah. This is not true though. Although the curse would make it so his literal seedline could not take the throne, Jewsus was not a physical descendant of Jehoiachin. In teh openeing chapter of Matthew, he was establishing the legal right to the throne of David. As the adopted son of Josphef the curse does not apply to him and also Zedekiah is not mentioned as the ancestor of Jewsus in the NT geneologies. It should insult anyone who actually believes in Abrahamic faith as their own that these people latch onto a mythical female descendant of a man who had no rights to the throse in the first place.

Another ethod used by CIs and BI's is childish plays on word sounds. Because the Hebrew word "berith" means 'covenant" and the Hewbrew word "ish" means "man", they conclude that British" means "men of covenant". The dont seemed too impressed by the fact that philologists are UNAMIMOUS in declairing that there is NO connection between the kyke hebrew and the noble Anglo-Saxon tongue. (NONE, regardless of any threads on FNF! that you may have read stating otherwise.)

I just researched Dr. Lawrence Duff-Forbes about this( and I suggest that all CI's read his work with an open mind. Here is what he has to say about it all(NOTE: I could not find it online, so you better thank me for typing this out of a book!):

"But Hold! There us a fly in the ointment! Since the word 'covenant" posesses no adjectival force in Hewbrew, the two nouns are in what is known as the construct state. So placed, the meaning would be "a man of the covenant," but even for this concept it shoudl rather be "Ish HaBrith". Thus, to get even remotely near this philological monstrosity we should require to reserve the order of the words.

The B/I (British Israel) balderdash based on "Brit-ish," if it proves anything it proves too much. For what of the word "BRITAIN"? Permitting me a similar use of assonance, may I remark that "Ain" in Hebrew is a particle of negotion, meaning "NOT" or "WITHOUT> It is so tranlasted in Hosea 3:4, "AIN MELECK," "without a king," etc. Thus, if "BRIT-ISH" is 'covenant-man," then "BRIT-AIN" is "without a covenant!".....

....British Israelites do considerable violence to philology generally. They weave a fanciful tale that "Isaac's sons" is really the basis of the word "SAXONS." The full humor of this can only be appreciated by a Hebrew scholar!" If it is really legitiment to thus ride from one nationality to another by saddling an assonance, could we not equally prove that the inhabitants of Hamburg were mountaineers of negro origin violating the Jewish dietary laws? Again warning against the vagaries of B/I, Professor (H.U) Parker (of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario :) ) declares: "as a matter fo fact there are hardly more than two dozen words, exclusive of Bible names, in the English vocabulary which can be traced to Hebrew roots...Nearly every one of the "Hebrew" words we do have come to us via Greeks, and might more reasonably be credited to Pheonician than to Hebrew."

I could give many examples of this pseudo-scholarship among British-Israeli followers but just one more should do the trick. To follow the movements of the Tribe Of Dan and to prove that it was one of those among the settlers of ireland, they point to the many instances that a 'din', 'dun' or 'don' is part of the name or territory, city or river they supposedly passed through or settled. A few mentioned names I've seen were Macedonia, Dardanelles, Danube, Denmark, Dunbar, London etc. Likewise, when using this is non-logical approach one could asl make claims that the tribe of Dan went to Africa where there are names like the Danakil and Dinka, where there are the Donalists(a christian cult) also it is where one can find Dondo and Denkera. Any person with a good imagination can present a convincing case based on this non-logic, as the Anglo-Iiraelites do with "Dan".

Great Britian and the USA/Canada can NOT be Ephraim like many CI/BI's claim. We can read that Jacob and his sons were in te line of Shem. The mates they chose were of the line of Ham(maning they were negros). Joseph, by marrying a Hamitic girl produced offspring that was semitic-hamitic, even. if the Tarshish of Ezekeil 38 is Britain as the CI's claim, then it's people must be Johpetic. Genosis 10:4 makes it very clear that Tarshish is a descendant of Japheth, making it impossible for Britains to be Ephraimites. Also, it's a joke and an insult on our intelligence to assume that the USA is Manasseh because that wold mean he people who left England walked onto a ship Ephramites and came off of it as Menassehites. I wonder if the sea and open air had a strange potency to make this transformation ( :) ).

The jews living upon this earth are the mythical Israelites, and there is nothing you can say to change that.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

VNN Pulled Down After Warman Complaints, Again

Canadian Jew Hatemonger On The Warpath

Ottawa, Canada -- Vanguard News Network forum was taken down earlier this week after Canadian Jewish hatemonger Richard Warman filed another round of complaints against a variety of white activist websites with their respective ISPs and web hosts. was the subject of a similar complaint, but as we are already in the process of moving to our own data center, where we will host our own site on our own Internet lines, our service was not disrupted, though we did agree not to use this site to call for the assassination or execution of Warman again until we have completed the move.

Warman is a big weenie who makes his living suing white nationalist websites in Canada and bringing their operators before the Jewish run "Canadian Human Rights Commission" -- a show trial farce in the Stalinist mode that is tasked with imprisoning Canadian political dissidents.

Hyper sensitive to all criticism, Warman took the Canadian airwaves last year to demand that the publishe... Click here for more


High-Tech Wall On Mexican Border

High-tech "wall" to be installed along U.S.-Mexico border

CITY (AP) — A high-tech “virtual wall” will detect more than 95 percent of illegal crossings at the busiest jumping-off point along the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. Border Patrol chief said Thursday.

In a videoconference with reporters in Mexico, David Aguilar predicted the so-called “virtual wall” of lights, ground sensors and cameras — reinforced by more agents — will essentially halt illegal crossings along the Arizona border, the busiest section for clandestine entries....



Communist George Galloway Speaks To A Zionist

Communist George Galloway talking to a Zionist on his radio show.

Very good arse kicking via the radio!


In the early 18th century, Jesuit missionaries bore witness to a savage Aboriginal death ritual. The tribe that was conducting the ritual were the Hurons. Their victim? An Iroquois Aboriginal man who was kidnapped while he and his fellow tribesmen were fishing along the shores of Lake Ontario. The Huron chief claimed that his God Of War and The Sun would be pleased with the ritual they were about to proceed with.

Being a scared ritual, there were a set of rules that must be followed. One of these rules was that they were not allowed to massacre their victims before daybreak. Since they had captured the men at night, they could not execute their plans, so instead they just burned his legs. Also, they should not have sex during the night, but for what reason is unknown.

The tied and bound prisoner, screaming in immense pain started to sing a song that he had learned just for the occasion. The song was one of defiance, meant to invoke bravery in the soul while in the face of death. The Iroquois man was then brought inside of the primitive building they had constructed which was full of savages ready to brand him with burning bark. As the man resisted his upcoming fate, the Huronsbroke the bones of the man to restrain him and then pierced his ears with sticks from the ground, which they left inside of the ears.

Every time the Iroquois victim seems as if he were about to crossover to the realm of the dead, the Huron chief would make the brutal tribesmen cease their torturing because he was supposed to see the daylight. As dawn approached, he was taken outside. Then, he was forced climb onto a primitive wooden platform, enabling the entire village to see what was happening to him. These platforms built upon wooden scaffold replaced the ziggurats and pyramids that were common in Mesoamerica.

Once upon the death alter, four men took the task of torturing their prisoner. First they scorched out his eyes, placed red hot hatchets on his shoulders and forced burning rods down his throat and into his anus. As soon as they realized that their subject of sacrifice was about to die, they cut off his arms, legs and his head - all at the same time. They then threw the Iroquois man's head into the onlooking crowd. One of the barbaric Hurons in the crowd caught the head and carried it to the chief.

The chief made a meal out of the head.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings: The Origin of Cultures, Glasgow, 1978, p. 115

Asian Company Taking Over Auto Industry - Canadian Job Losses

"It simply means a continuing loss of jobs, more layoffs, more shift reductions and possibly more closures," Buzz Hargrove said, president of the Canadian Auto Workers(CAW) in regards to Toyota outselling GM in the auto industry.

The Japanese company is expanding fast, and it "just means less job opportunities for Canadians" according to Hargrove.

Sandra Pupatello, Ontario's economic development minister, "dismissed concerns Toyota's success may hurt some Ontario communities which have traditionally relied on the auto industry".

CAW president Buzz Hargrove isn't surprised, warning more problems await the industry.

Toyota Motor Corp. became the world's top auto seller in the first three months of the 2007, passing rival General Motors Corp. for the first time, the Japanese automaker said

TORONTO -- Toyota's new-found status atop the world's auto sector will mean more misery for the sector in Canada, particularly for parts suppliers, a leading analyst and a top union leader warned yesterday*.

For the first time ever, Toyota sold more vehicles globally in a quarter than General Motors, preliminary January-March figures show, the clearest sign yet the Japanese company is on track to overtake its U.S. rival as the world's top automaker[.....]


Children Fear For Safty In Immigrant Neighbourhood

The London Free Press published a very worrying article about the gang related violence and crime taking place in the Kipps Lane area of London.

The concerns of these kids nearly seem unrealistic considering their only in the 5th and 6th grade, but once I read that it was in the Kipps area I understood.

That part of the city is a dump. It's been taken over by immigrants and other non-Whites of the city. It is home to low income White families too, many who are just as bad as the immigrants and other non-Whites in the area.

Pupils voice fears of a neighbourhood

...The comments came Monday afternoon in a Grade 5/6 class at Northbrae public school, just east of Adelaide Street, between Kipps Lane and Huron Street.

The pupils recently finished studying a curriculum unit called The Power of One. They read about people who made a difference in the world -- people such as Martin Luther King, Anne Frank and Rosa Parks.

But teacher Gloria Jenkins says that when the pupils finished their assignments, they decided they wanted to do something more. They wanted to tell people about the problems -- like violence, drugs and graffiti -- plaguing their neighbourhood.....

[....]the problems in the neighbourhood -- an area populated with many immigrant and low-income families -- have recently increased.

Beyond Left & Right: The Third Way

In our fast moving world today, there is a new political orientation arising from the ashes of the failed politics of the left and right. An ideology that is standing above the rest in all ways. This new political preference is being called the radical middle, radical center, third way etc.

The radical center is not about re-hashing the failed policies of the capitalist right wing, nor the utterly senseless practices of equality that the left wing espouses. In other words, it is beyond the left and right taking core beliefs from both ends of the extreme political spectrum.

Most people do not consider themselves left wing or right wing, and in fact, a lot of people have no idea what the difference between the two are. A lot of these same people have noticed the same thing that I have: the left and the right just can't do the job.

What does the radical middle offer that the other political orientations do not? What can be gained by combining the practices of the left and right? I know, the two terms nearly contradict themselves, and people on the left and the right usually consider the center anything but radical. They would be very wrong.

Although the the third way may seem like a complicated mixture of the opposing ends of the political rope, it is actually very straight forward in it's philosophy. It enables the people to improve the status of their nations by connecting the real needs of the people. It offers realistic solutions to the larger problems that we face as citizens, as well as in the fields of government and business.

There are an infinite number of political and social ideologies unlocked by the human mind, and to throw ourselves into one category - either left or right - would not only be non-productive but also very regressive. Both the left and right have been proven as failed political ideologies over the last 100 years and there is no signs of either making a strong come back.

Communism, for an example, is no longer spreading like wildfire in Europe (and into the rest of the world) as a major political movement and has come to a halt in it's expansive conquest since the "Autumn of Nations" in 1989. The revolution against the secular Jewish Marxism began in Poland and started to spread into countries such as East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Romania was the only country in the Eastern Block that was actually lucky enough to have had the opportunity to capture and execute their Communist Head Of State. On the triumphant day of December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union was officially destroyed, splitting up the Eurasian super state into fifteen separate parts. This was the end of the world's largest totalitarian - and most influential - Communist state. Now it is Asia's Red China that holds that position, which is followed by North Korea.

Like the much larger class struggle, the national revolutionary minded people that have expressed themselves as radical centrists must deal with the changed political climates of the current times. If we don't, our people will be forever doomed, trapped in the nets of the capitalist New World Order and their oil hungry master plan for world domination. They suck the Earth dry of it's natural resources like the vampires they are, and in the process steal away our basic rights and freedoms to ensure the success of their global Final Solution of total conquest.

The most radical elements of both the left and the right have adopted their own definitions of 'anti-capitalism'. While at first glance this seems good, there usually is no significant signs that these people are truly anti-capitalist or that they even know what the term means. In most cases they actually mean to refer to the anti-globalization and anti-corporation movements.

The goals of the new and growing third way is to integrate the very best practices of the far left win and far right wing to achieve a much higher standard of living than we currently have. We are not ashamed to admit that if someone from the far left has a good idea, we would use and promote that idea - if it were to benefit our people. Likewise, we have no negative issues with taking great ideas from the far right when it best suits our people.

The fast paced, forever changing and evolving world around us needs to understand that the a third way is emerging, and that it is a realistic alternative to the failed programs already in power, and it could totally change our world policies. There is a vast hunger in this world for a new kind of politics. Something fresh. Something realistic. The third way gives us a map for how we - the seed of the European people - can travel from the world of old-fashioned gridlock to the world of unique thinking and new possibilities. It gives us a map for total political transformation.

Our ideal society is not one that should stay in a catatonic state, founded in the age of our European ancestors and remaining static for all time. Rather, it is a flowing process of constantly moving forward to unrealised possibilities. We have have the very difficult task of educating our people and teaching them not to be uncritical of the past. The task of teaching them to formulate their own creative possibilities and to represent a moving of our race forward.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

And I Thought Immigration Made Me Angry........

Online Videos by

What Is Your Political Ideology?

You scored as Nationalist. You are a Nationalist!
You beleive in the superiority of you're
race/culture, and are extremely patriotic.



Green Politics










Democratic Socialist




What is your political ideology?
created with



This video is a good example of immigration gone wild. Bring home our troops and make them work immigration inforcement!

Farmland Shrinking In Ontario

The following London Free Press article scares me. Not in the typical "help me mommy, the monster is coming!" kind of way, but a more realistic "oh shit, this is serious" kind of way.

The author, John Minder, talks about how the South western Ontario region will be struck by a devastating blow. That blow is the loss of our farm land.

A quote in the LFP article really caught my attention.

It reads:

“If you can’t grow food within your own region, you are really cutting off your independence. If you pave it over, you are cutting off all your options for the future,”.

I could not have stated that better myself.

Tue, April 24, 2007

Canada’s thin slice of fertile land that can reliably produce crops is disappearing at an increasing rate — and Ontario is taking the worst hit, losing thousands of acres a year.

For a province with more than half the country’s best farmland, the pressures from urban sprawl are ringing more and more alarms.

There’s even a risk that with a new greenbelt now designated around the Toronto area, urban growth will punch into prime farmland in the London-Kitchener areas, “the most important land to protect,” said Bronwynne Wilton, a co-editor of a new book on farmland loss in Canada.....


AIPAC Videos

AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the most powerful foreign-policy lobby group in North America. Its 60,000 members shower millions of dollars to the members of the American Congress on both sides of the playing field; Democrats and Republicans..

AIPAC is currently under investigation because of espionage for the state of Israel:

Caledonia Occupation

The OPP arrested 3 White people in Caledonia, Ontario for attempting to raise a Canadian Flag.

Here are a few videos from both sides of the conflict.


Israeli Eco-Terror

See the fascist Israelis deliberately release oil and bomb refineries to poison the beaches of the innocent Lebanese.

Time Magazine

I was on Time Magazine's website and came accross some old articles they published that they now feature on their website. Here are a few old articles that turned up in the results when I searched for "Aryan". I'll be adding more of these evry day until I get bored or Time runs out of articles for me to choose from!

(Click on the title to view the complete article.)

Monday, Jan. 11, 1932

BASQUE PEOPLE — Dorothy Canfield — Harcourt, Brace ($2.50). Scholars have vexed themselves in vain to demoot the question of the Basques. Nobody knows for sure where they come from or what their queer language is. (Scholars classify it as non-Aryan; can not explain its origin.) Till the Basque tennis player Jean Borotra....


Church Militant
Monday, Oct. 09, 1933

Sleepy old Wittenberg—the town of Martin Luther who made it the cradle of the Reformation—snapped to attention last week at a new Nazi wonder. Tramp, tramp, tramp 150 Saxon theological students marched into town, brown uniformed and carrying complete Army equipment, even campaign knapsacks. Wags called them "God's New Storm Troops." Newly enrolled, they had been sent by onetime Corporal Adolf Hitler as a guard of honor for his leather-lunged friend, onetime Army Chaplain Ludwig Müller. recently elected Evangelical Bishop of the State of Prussia (TIME, Aug. 21). Last week Dr. Müller was.....


Aryans on Horseback
Monday, Oct. 16, 1933

Prussia's martinet Premier, beefy General Hermann Wilhelm Goring, would rather see Jews support racehorses than other Jews. Though famed as an ace aviator, General Goring agrees with his cavalry friends that a man on horseback should be a cut above other men.....


New Heathenism
Monday, Nov. 27, 1933

Berlin's vast Sportpalast rumbled one night last week with a great gathering of the "German Christians," Nazi Wing of the Evangelical Church (TIME. June 12, et seq.). on deck to demand the super-Nazification of the Church. Their presiding officer was brisk, sleek, pomaded young Rev. Joachim Hossenfelder. Bishop of Berlin and Brandenburg. Their prime hot-head was one Dr. Reinhold Krause. Meeting a few days after the 450th birthday of their Church's founder, Martin Luther, they proceeded to juggle ecclesiastical dynamite. According to Nazi Pastor Krause, German Protestantism needed a "second Reformation." He submitted three reforms:

1) Elimination of......


Ruby Ridge Documentary

Anti-Islam Jew Reporter Defends Muslim Criminal

This morning started like any other morning for me. I woke up with the alarm buzzing beside my head, got showered and dressed ready to start the day. Like usual, I turned on my computer and visited The London Free Press' website to see if there were any articles that I found interesting or important.

Yesterday I blogged about Lesbian Jews who supported a Muslim man in Ottawa. Today, once again, there is a Jew involved. This Jew is calling for Canada to take action against China because they have arrested a man for breaking Chinese law.

His crime: Calling people to worship with a megaphone in a Communist state.

I couldn't have cared less about the situation until I stumbled upon this article. I find it odd that these Jews are supporting and defending these Muslims, especially Muslims accused of terrorism such as the one I reported about yesterday.

Then it dawned on me: divide and conquer.

That's right, the Jewish tactic of causing chaos by instigating negative international affairs.

First, since when is an Arab Muslim immigrant who breaks international law remotely anything Canadian? What is Canadian about that? If he's not representing the country like the cookie-cutter immigrant their Utopian wasteland of multiculturalism pretends to produce, then why even bother making a fuss over his arrest for breaking the law? He's only been a "Canadian" for two years, since 2005.

Sure, the Chinese are a very wicked nation when regarding their politics, but in this case I would have to agree with their government spokesperson when they said it's "China's internal affair".


"Stop us if you've heard this one before.

It's the story of a Canadian citizen, a Muslim.

He's arrested while travelling abroad, accused of terrorism, and shipped to one of the world's most feared dictatorships, where he has been held for almost a year.

There are fears he's been tortured and Canadian officials have been denied access to him.

Maher Arar in Syria, you say?

Nope -- Huseyin Celil, a 38-year-old human-rights activist and father of four, sentenced last week to life in prison in China for the crimes of "separating China and . . . organizing, leading and participating in terrorist groups, organizations.""

-- Lorrie Goldstein's E-Mail address.


Non-White Immigration & Population:

They Destroy Everything They Tuch

Unless The White Race acts fast to change the immigration situation in the U.S., the population of the Nation will double in size in record time. Some speculate that by the year 2020, if things keep getting worse and the trends continue, the United States of America will have enough people inside of it's borders that it could could create another New York, Los Angeles, Chicago - and 100 other major cities in the country - if the White race does not act now.

Population increase is determined by three things:

* Mortality (the death rate, which has been steadily decreasing in the U.S.)
* Birth Rates or Fertility (children per woman)
* Net Immigration (immigration minus emigration).

Unlike in under-developed Non-White countries, fertility rate (which is children per woman) isn't the majory contributor to American population increase it used to be. In actuality, the overall Americans fertility is slightly less than the replacement level and has not exceeded the replacement level since 1972.

Components of U.S. population growth

The Non-White Mestizo coming to America has been the largest contributer to population growth(followed by Asians; mostly Chinese). Third world South/Central American immigration brings well over 2.25 million people into the United States a year, and well over 1.5 legal immigrants and illegal as of 2002, which is now estimated at much higher(2.5+ million in 2007). The rest of the 2.25 million comes from an estimated 750, 000 births to non-white immigrant woman annually. With an almost 70% increase in foreign-born "Americans" since 1990 - the total being close to 35 million - over 11 million are in the country illegally. That is an increase of over 5 million since the early 1990's.

Population has always been a topic of interest to environmentalists and racialists alike since the early 1970's. If the White race had only put a cap on the immigration that was taking place in the 1970's, the American population would have settled itself in the 255 million range by 2020 and then maybe lowered to a more environmentally stable level over a short period of time.

After l970, Non-White border jumpers and their offspring have added close to 50 million people to the once nearly all White country. Sadly, the flood of muds coming into the U.S has not stopped or slowed the population growth in the former homelands of these people. Nations such as Mexico, China and Central American countries have not stopped growing at consistent rates.

It's clear that we will not solve the population problems of the 3rd world by adopting their migrants into our Western nations. Since there are so many immigrants in America using a high amount of resources, they are not only jeopardizing the well being of the environments of their lands, but also of lands that we extract much of their resources from.

The NPG did a demographic analysis of age distribution, fertility, and mortality and the data shows that if there had been no immigration to America since 1990, the population 10 years later in 2000 would have been 262 million, which is 20 million less than what was actually counted. Therefore, immigrants and their offspring that came post-1990 account for over 61% of the population increase in the last 10 years.

According to modern trends, over 70% of the population growth will be caused by the flood of non-white immigration, including their children.

What the White race needs to do in order to preserve a healthy environment for our race is clear.

Stop immigration!

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

Lesbian Jews Support Muslim Terror Suspect

Only In Canada...

Diana Ralph said fighting injustice is in her blood. Her father was a lawyer at the war-crimes trials in Nuremberg after the Second World War.
Diana Ralph said fighting injustice is in her blood.
Her father was a lawyer at the war-crimes
trials in Nuremberg after the Second World War.

A Jewish lesbian couple in Ottawa have been quietly offering support to a suspected Islamic terrorist even though they hadn’t even met the man when they first got involved in a fight against Canada’s security certificates.

“We had never met him at [that] point. We didn’t know anything about him. But we knew that the situation wasn’t right,” Jean Hanson told CBC News.

Hassan Almrei’s “situation” is that he’s been held in jail for more than five years on a federal security certificate without being charged with anything, and without knowing what evidence the government has when it claims he was part of a forgery ring linked to al-Qaeda.

Read More


National Socialist Chauvinism

Hello Readers,

Many National Socialists today will always tell you that they are not nationalist chauvinists and they consider all ethnically White nations as equals.

Then they will tell you that they believe in - and follow - the Blood & Soil concept of the NSDAP. I wonder how many of these people have heard the following quote before?:

"As soon as we beat England we shall make an end of you Englishmen once and for all. Able-bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 45 will be exported as slaves to the Continent. The old and weak will be exterminated. All men remaining in Britain as slaves will be sterilised; a million or two of the young women of the Nordic type will be segregated in a number of stud farms where, with the assistance of picked German sires, during a period of 10 or 12 years, they will produce annually a series of Nordic infants to be brought up in every way as Germans. These infants will form the future population of Britain. They will be partially educated in Germany and only those who fully satisfy the Nazi's requirements will be allowed to return to Britain and take up permanent residence. The rest will be sterilised and sent to join slave gangs in Germany. Thus, in a generation or two, the British will disappear."

~ Richard Oscar Walther Darré, 1940
SS-Obergruppenführer, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture
(circled in photograph that also features, from left to right:
Josef Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Röhm, Hermann Goering, Walther Darré, Heinrich Himmler, and last someone who appears to be Rudolf Hess )

Now, don't get me wrong, I too see many great things in Darré's, most notably his two major books "Peasantry as Life-Source of the German Race" and "New Nobility from Blood and Soil". On one hand he is very wise to Nature and Nature's Laws, respecting the natural world around him thus formulating an ideology that takes "Green" issues and makes them a primary subject of the Party...

On the other hand, I simply can not endorse his anti-British, Nationalistic chauvinist statement above, at all. It actually makes me angry. The NSDAP was a strictly German organization. They wished to Germanize every Nation they conquered, and according to the above quote by Darré it would appear they had some very gruesome plans for the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples of England.
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Anyone with ties to the UK at all should really take a look at the ideology they are espousing with such enthusiasm. I know that they honestly mean well, after all, I too once considered myself a National Socialist.

Petty Nationalism is one of the major factors dividing us as a people, especially in Europa. You have the Teutons hating the Slavs, the Slavs hating the Mediterraneans etc., and this is contributing to the ongoing genocide of the White race. White people are spending too much energy on their dislikes of other European cultures and not enough on the invading cultures that are 100% alien to them and their people.

Unity is the key. Organization. Togetherness.

True Socialism.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan



Furor (Imus) Exposes Double Standard

Hello Readers,

Once again, The London Free Press has brought a good article to my attention regarding radio DJ Don Imus' current "racism" and "sexism" scandal.

Yes, scandal.

Why aren't Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson protesting Negro Hip-Hop 'artists' who constantly espouse racial hatred and violence against women, among other culturally genocidal practices? I know why. It's because they are racists who work in the sole interest of the Negro race first and foremost.

Also, please take note of The LFP using the title of "Furor" to describe Imus. This is just another Neo-Marxi$t media tactic which is being used to discredit Imus and all racially aware White people at the same time. It's common practice for the controlled media of Soviet Canuckistan to use buzz words like Nazi, Fascist, Anti-$emite, etc., to describe anyone with a Pro-White viewpoint, regardless of their actual political beliefs. It's a common media ploy to get rating$.


Ethnicity is a tender topic and the only way we know the bounds of acceptable speech is when someone oversteps those bounds....

There will be no litigation for mental anguish and emotional scarring. No running to the U.S. equivalent of the human rights commission; just the hope that both parties can work to make the world a better place....

The time is long overdue for their (Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson) moral outrage to move them to stand up to the icons of the black community who, under the guise of street talk/rap/music, utter the despicable, insulting comments that reduce all women to receptacles for men's pleasure....

There is a double standard when the white man who calls black women whores must be silenced, but the hop-hop "singer" who calls a black girl a whore is offering cultural expression....

If black hip-hop artists offer their apology for racist abuse toward women, only then should they too be heard on radio.


RUDOLF HESS: Prisoner for Peace

In May of 1941, HESS flew alone from Germany to Britain to prove with his own physical presence that Germany's offers of peace with Britain were sincere and not mere propaganda. For this heroic, Christ-like act HESS was rewarded with life imprisonment, most of it in solitary confinement–until he was actually murdered in Spandau Prison by a British assassin in 1987 at age 93.

Instead of Hess, a true hero, being offered the Nobel Peace Prize--it went instead to one of the most scurrilous liars of all time, Elie Wiesel.
No man ever deserved the Nobel Peace Prize more than RUDOLF HESS.

8 Ways To Spot Anti-Semitism

Most Westerners only know as much about anti-Semitism as they need to spot an anti-Semite. An anti-Semite – according to common belief - is someone who:

  1. • thinks anything bad of Jews,
  2. • thinks that Jews could have ever done anything bad,
  3. • doesn’t believe in the ‘Jewish Holocaust’,
  4. • suggests that the ‘Jewish Holocaust’ should be open to free research and discussion,
  5. • criticises any aspect of Judaism, e.g. Talmudism,
  6. • criticises organised Jewry,
  7. • criticises Israel, or
  8. • criticises anyone who is supporting Israel.

Please note that this list is far from being exhaustive.


Canadian War Crimes During WW2

People often forget that war is a dirty business and that usually both sides of the battle are crooked. World War Two was no different than any other war in the world in this regards.

A common misconception is that the Germans were the most evil force to grace the lands of Earth. What many do not realize is that there were a lot of Allie war crimes against the Germans. Below you will find a video clip from a Canadian made documentary that makes mention of Allied war crimes against the National Socialists.

After mentioning an alleged German war crime in France -- which, by the way, is patently false as the "eyewitness" testimony is obviously bogus -- the makers of this documentary relate several Allied atrocity incidents as well as an illegal "take no prisoners" order found on a dead Canadian.

White Racial Loyalty

Today as Racial Loyalists in Canada, we face a problem that is almost as bad as the immigration by third world trash to our "urban jungles". This problem is the thing we call, "Freedom Of Speech", or maybe I should say lack of freedom of speech.

Our struggle for freedom is a battle that will be won, but only when the White people of our nation - and the entire world - wake up to this mess we call multiculturalism. I sometimes find myself asking the same questions over and over again, without making any progress. The main question that I am referring to is:

"When will the White race stand up and reclaim all the good and wonderful things that have been taken away from us?"

As history has proved time and time again, the White race is above all, in every way. We are Nature's elite. We - the White Race - have been selected by Nature to be the supreme on this planet. We built the greatest civilizations to ever grace the green lands of this Earth, only to have them crushed by the failed social experiment turned disease known as multiculturalism.

The fat cat politicians in office don't care about White Canadians, or the White race in general. They are puppets of another system, a system that controls not only the Canadian people, but all peoples in the White world through proxy. The Zionist infiltration and influence within our government is deep, my White racial comrades.
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But what does this mean for Whites Canadians living under this current government which is corrupt and treasonous? Well, to me, my brothers and sisters, it means that we European Canadians will be forced into a corner, we will be battered and bruised, tormented and harassed, and all of this by the very politicians that WE - the people - elected into parliament. Democracy is failing all around us, and the Goym puppets in office who work for the the Jew World Order are working as hard as they can to destroy White rights and civil liberties.

For example, lets take a look at a 'man' named Richard Warman. Some of you may be familiar with his name. Richard Warman is a lawyer who has worked for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and is funded by Jewish groups such as the B'nai Brith, along with other vehemently Jewish sources. He is responsible for reporting and prosecuting White Racial Loyalists in court for violations of sections 318 and 319 the Canadian Human Rights Act(in other words - a thought crime - or as they call it - a hate crime).

The slime ball has reported members of the Canadian Heritage Alliance, the Northern Alliance, The Canadian Nazi Party and many others. Warman has even targeted White Racialists for posting on the Internet in alleged violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act! That's right, that rat bastard Richard Warman is targeting people for expressing themselves on the Internet!

The enemies of free speech will stop at nothing to silence the voice of racially aware White Canadians, and our first mistake was letting the White population of Canada forget about it's rich European ancestry. We allow these traitors, who we - the people - elected to office, to promote Nigger based holidays such as Monkey Lucifer Coon day, but do us White Canadians have any holidays dedicated to the men who fought and died for our race?

What about a day dedicated tothe late, great religious founder of Creativity - the man who brought the White race their own religion for the first time in history - Ben Klassen? What about an Adolf Hitler day maybe? After all, wasn't Adolf Hitler a civil rights activist that brought his people out of poverty, and brought Germany out of the ashes of WW1, both economically and socially? Didn't he have a "dream" too?

My point is that we must not let them destroy our culture and steal our pride, only to replace it with alien elements.

We must unite for a greater cause, the cause of expanding the White race and reclaiming what is rightfully ours. Will I ever see this new era in my lifetime? Probably not, but maybe my children, or my children's children will, and after all, isn't that who we fight this fight for? It's time that the White Canadians of European descent arise to a new dawn, a brighter and whiter world!

In this once wonderful nation known as Canada, we are seeing the message of racial solidarity being silenced by the enemies of our race, and the views and opinions of our people are being suppressed. The people expressing these opinions are usually locked up in jail without being charged or they are charged with a hate crime.

Men like Ernst Zundel, a historical revisionist - a senior citizen - who has just currently sentenced to 5 years in German prison. Prior to his sentencing he served several years in Canadian maximum security before being sentenced or even charged with a crime. The Canadian government considered this well educated and respectable senior citizen as a threat to national security.

Those filthy traitors.

The Jewish influence that sits on the Canadian Parliament Hill has made Zundel's life a living hell, along with the help of the Governments of the USA and Germany.

He has been charged and convicted of publishing false facts - as they call it - about certain events that occurred during the second world war, mainly the number of holocaust victims and survivors there were, and the treatment of Jews by the National Socialist regime. In an attempt to save the good name of his people - the German people - he was targeted by the very same people who had targeted the Germans in the 1930's, the Jews and Zionists. Ernst Zundel is a Prisoner of War. A war the we must never stop fighting until we win.

How it became illegal to question the accuracy of historical events still blows my mind.

Think of men like Galileo who said that the sun did not revolve around the Earth, and in contrast it worked the opposite way. He was persecuted because he did not believe what they considered to be fact. It was also once a "fact" that the Earth was flat.

If you are an American or from some other country that allows total free speech, you may be asking yourself why the government would arrest people for talking. Well, the answer is simple my racial kinsmen. The answer is FEAR. They fear opposition. They fear resistance. They fear being exposed for what they truly are - a bloodthirsty coalition of regimes under Zionist rule.

Comrades, we must love our own people, and we must secure the existence of our race at any cost. We must do whatever it takes for our blood and honour! There are men and women who currently stand as dissidents against the 'powers that be' in our nation. These people are in constant danger of having their lives stolen from them all because they have seen the truth. People have their jobs taken away, their social lives destroyed, they become subject of terror attacks, they are murdered etc., and all because of puppets like Richard Warman and the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Their agenda to force totalitarian multiculturalism on the European peoples of this nation in order to destroy the social fabric of society is working. The White race needs to open their eyes and take a look around. The Earth is being polluted by multiculturalism and it's time that we - the elite of Nature - the White race - started doing our part.

Today it seem to be the modern trend to assume if that anyone who is proud of their White heritage and has racial identity is a big, bad, baby eating, goose stepping, 3rd Reich uniformed, Noe-Nazi, hate mongering skinhead. This is far from the truth. Not all racially aware white people want to kill off the other races. Not all racially aware people are terrorists. Not all racially aware people are violent. Its just that simple.

We need to unite under one banner, as one people. I want every one that is reading this to remember these words:


We must stand up for what we know is right. Being White and proud is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. They force racial tolerance in the schools and in the work place. They advocate multiculturalism among the citizens through their propaganda machine - the jew tube. When a white person wants to be proud of their own heritage though, it's automatically a crime! A hate crime!

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You don't have to agree with everything I say, it's your choice to think what you wish, but please remember that our cause is one that will never end. We are here to stay, whether anyone likes it or not. We want freedom. Together we can rise up and take our land back and it's our duty to protect our ancient bloodline. Remember who you are and where you come from, because it shapes who you will become.

Nature's Law is above Man's Law, and forced multiculturalism is unnatural. White Canadians of European ancestry built this once great nation, only to have it stolen away by Liberal disregard for cultural preservation. Don't let them take our freedoms away, or at least what freedoms we have left. We must do whatever it takes to ensure our freedoms. It's time to make a change....

You can make a difference.
We can make a BIG difference.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

The Israel Lobby

Like the ADL, AIPAC is another vector of JewisHIV
Documentary: 'The Israel lobby - The Influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy'

Watch this fascinating Dutch documentary on the power of the Jewish Lobby and it's influence on foreign policy, and how it led the United States to the catastrophe in Iraq and presently works to drive us towards war against Iran. The interviews in English (the Dutch commentary is not included) have a lot of value. It has gems in it such an admission by Jewish professor Tony Judt that the New York Times told him that only a Jew would be permitted to write a column in the paper which expressed criticism of the Israeli Lobby. Also the former chief of staff of Colin Powell discusses Powell’s lies before the U.N about Iran’s supposed weapons of mass destruction and the enormous power of the Israeli Lobby behind the war. He also states bluntly that a war with Iran could well usher in World War III.


Hitler's Birthday In Russia

The London Free Press is reporting that Nationalist groups in Moscow, Russia, target people for attacks while shouting slogans. They have orderd their immigrant students to stay in their dormitorie rooms because the they fear Nationalists will attack them for Hitler's birthday, which is today. Now, I've seen what those Russian Nationalists are like regarding their militant street tactics, but I have a feeling that this is a little too much. Let them out to play....

MOSCOW -- A leading Moscow university ordered its foreign students to remain in dormitories for the next three days because of fears of violence before Adolf Hitler's birthday, students said.


Kyoto-Linked Recession

The London Free Press, a newspaper publication in London, Ontario, just released an interesting article regarding Canada's Kyoto commitment. It states that there would be hundreds of thousands of job losses, a major increase in gas prices. Gas prices I could care less about. People use too much gas, and that is a fact. What really bothers me is that its estimated over 200, 000 people will loose their jobs. If that were to happen, it is possible that it would directly effect MILLIONS of Canadians, driving us into another depression.

The downside of environmental protection is that people lose jobs and their families suffer. That is why we must be realistic about the issue of environmentalism and not rush to extremes just because crackpot Demoncrats like Al Gore said too.

Fri, April 20, 2007
Experts back the government report, but the opposition says its assumptions are 'rigged.'


OTTAWA -- Abiding by Canada's Kyoto commitment to cut its greenhouse gas emissions beginning next year would drive the country into deep recession, warns a government report with the backing of several outside experts.

Unemployment would rise 1.5 percentage points or 275,000 lost jobs, gas prices would spike to $1.60 a litre, natural gas would more than double and real disposable income would fall by $1,000 per person, says the analysis.

Environment Minister John Baird released the report yesterday and railed against a Liberal private member's bill that would make it Canadian law to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to six per cent below levels measured in 1990.

"There is only one way to make this happen," Baird told a Senate committee yesterday. "The government would need to manufacture a recession."

The London Free Press also published another article
that was of interest to me called Being Kind To Earth

What is Zionofascism?

Below is a great article about Zionfascism and I thought I'd share it.
By Anarchore

"Not all Jews are Zionists. Not all Zionists are necessarily Zionofascists. One does not have to be Jewish to be a Zionofascist.

You may be familiar with the compound word ‘Islamofascism’. It was coined by the Jewish Neocon talk radio pitbull Michael Savage, to describe a fundamentalist Islamic ideology of conquest. We are all in danger of annihilation by the Islamic hordes, says Michael Savage. Not surprizingly, Mr Savage has recently been calling for nuclear strikes against Iran. President Ahmadinejad is the next Hitler, says Mr Savage.[......]"


Brigade M

Song: European Unity (English Version)

Watch this great music video from Dutch RAC band Brigade M. This band brings a unique ideology to the world of RAC, calling themselves National Revolutionaries. This ideology is beyond the stupidity of the Neo-Marxist left wingers, and beyond the Hollyweird rhetoric of the Hitlerist right wingers.

National Revolution, European Unity!

Misanthropic Humanitaryanism

What is Misanthropic Aryan Humanitarianism you may be asking yourself? To understand what this term means to me, and to fully understand what I mean by using the term "Misanthropic Aryan Humanitarianism", we must first understand what these two words mean separately. First we will look at humanitarianism, or rather it's root word, humanitarian. Wikipedia defines humanitarianism as:

" informal ideology of practice, whereby people practice humane treatment and provide assistance to others.

Humanitarianism is based on a view that all human beings deserve respect and dignity and should be treated as such. Therefore, humanitarians work towards advancing the well-being of humanity as a whole. Humanitarianism is the antithesis of the "us vs. them" mentality that characterizes tribalism and ethnic nationalism. Humanitarians abhor slavery, violation of basic and human rights, and discrimination on the basis of features such as color of skin, religion, ancestry, place of birth, etc. Humanitarianism is embraced by movements and people across the political spectrum, and particularly (but not exclusively) by leftists."

Like you might have expected, it seems like hard leftist, multicultural non-sense that denounces tribalism and ethnic nationalism, two very important issues to me. I believe that these two important characteristics that make up who we are must be preserved. Think of it like this: our own people with their own people, fighting for our own people with our own people, against anything that threatens us or our own people.

This definition also describes how a humanitarian is against slavery, violation of basic human rights and discrimination based on "...color of skin, religion, ancestry, place of birth, etc.". I would agree, that I am not pro-slavery, but on the other hand, I do not agree with humanitarianism's views of race and religion. Race exists. It's a fact. Some try to say that we are all the same, it's just skin difference. They are sadly wrong and either are brainwashed by the liberal pro-Zionist media to believe that the multiculturalist spectrum is working, or they truly believe this garbage and wish to spread their hate(anti-white, pro-everything else).

If race does exist, then one must be better, just as it is in the rest of the natural world.

Think of dogs for example, some breeds are smarter then others, some are more able to perform certain tasks then other breeds, and some are more likely to attack a human then other breeds. Well, this applies to the human world as well, and we see it all around us. I'm sure you can guess which breed of human I consider the best of the best.

Now to the point. You may be wondering how I consider my self a humanitarian yet condone what many call a racist ideology. Well, I do not consider myself a humanitarian. I am a humanitaryan. Did you notice that in the Wikipedia quote that they point out that not all humanitarians are leftists? I'm one of these people. In fact, I consider myself a misanthropic humanitaryan, but I'll get to the Misanthropic part later.

Now let us examine the word "Aryan". The original use of this word and it's meaning seems to be the topic of controversy among almost anyone who discusses it. Let's refer to Wikipedia again. It describes "Aryan" and the "Aryan Race" as follows:

"Aryan (/ɑːrjən/) is an English language word derived from the Iranian and Sanskrit terms ari-, arya-, ārya-, and/or the extended form aryāna-. The Old Persian and Sanskrit languages both pronounced the word as arya-/ɑːrjə/) and aryan. Beyond its use as the ethnic self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Iranians, the meaning "noble/spiritual" has been attached to it in Persian and Sanskrit. In linguistics, it is sometimes still used in reference to the Indo-Iranian language family, but it is primarily restricted to the compound Indo-Aryan, the Indic subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch.

Because of ethnolinguistic arguments about connections between peoples and cultural values, "Aryan" peoples were often considered to be distinct from Semitic peoples. By the end of the nineteenth century this usage was so common that "Aryan" was often used as a synonym for "gentile", and this popular usage persisted even after academic authors had ceased to use the term in any other meaning than "Indo-Iranian". Among White supremacists the term still sometimes functions as a synonym for non-Jewish 'white person.'......

.......The "Aryan race" is a concept in European culture that was influential in the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It derives from the idea that the original speakers of the Indo-European languages constitute a distinctive race. In its best-known incarnation, under Nazism, it was argued that the earliest Aryans were identical to Nordic people. Belief in the superiority of the "Aryan race" is sometimes referred to as Aryanism. This should not be confused with the unrelated Christian religious belief known as Arianism."

You may or may not be familiar with what a "Gentile" is. A gentile is a non-jewish White person. An Aryan is the same thing, BUT it also means nobel. I personally believe you must be a noble White person to be an Aryan, and not just White. Some consider Germanic/Scandinavian/Nordic blond haired, blue eyed tall people to be what Aryan is, and only this. This stereotype was enforced by National Socialist Germany during war times. I do not consider myself a "Nordicist", and this type of chauvinism is frowned upon by me. If you are white, act in a civil manner, and do not adopt the ways of foreign culture all while staying pure and true to your own race, you are an Aryan, and that is all that matters.

Now that we have discussed what a humanitarian is, and what I consider an Aryan, let's get to Misanthropy. Again, we will use Wikipedia for our reference of the definition of what Misanthropy is.

"Misanthropy is a hatred or distrust of the human race, or a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people. The word comes from the Greek words μίσος ("hatred") + άνθρωπος ("man, human being"). A misanthrope is a person who hates or distrusts mankind and in most cases his or her own humanity. Misanthropology is the scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of hatred in humans.

Misanthropy does not necessarily imply an inhumane, antisocial, or sociopathic attitude toward humanity.

While misanthropes express a general dislike for humanity on the whole, they generally have normal relationships with specific individuals. Misanthropy may be motivated by feelings of isolation or alienation. It may also resemble intellectual arrogance, where a person dislikes humanity because of a sense of mental superiority over other humans."

Damn, do I ever hate the human race. It makes me so sick, that I refuse to embrace almost all of what it has to offer. For the most part, the human race are like someone who is mentally choice. They will accept anything said to them as fact, even if it is brainless trash like organized religions belief in a jewish god. As I pointed out, gentiles are non-jewish white people(not that jew are White or anything, although people assume they are based on looks: genetics are what count).

I ask you to ponder this: How can you believe in a god that is jewish, who has chosen the jews as "...a people above all other peoples of the earth", if you are not a jew? Christianity, or Christinsanity as I like to call it, is exactly that. The acceptance of a foreign god into our society has weakened our people. It teaches them to "turn the other cheek", "love your neighbor" and to forgive your fellow man no matter his sin. This mindset is what will destroy the White race, and in fact the whole world, if something is not done about it. My absolute hatred for this and other similar things in society, such as multiculturalism, capitalism and pollution/environmental damage are what make me misanthropic.

Since you now know what misanthropy, an Aryan and humanitarianism are, we can start to piece together what a Misanthropic Humanitaryan is. A humanitarian misanthrope is a term that describes someone that hates people and the world around him/her, yet always tries to better it. The Chinese philosopher Confucius is someone that is considered to be a humanitarian misanthrope. If you apply the word Aryan to that, it indicates that I'm referring specifically about the White Race. The White Race makes me sick, yet, I shall forever strive to better the world around me for my people. To me, this is exactly what describes a Misanthropic Humanitaryan, and I'm proud to be one.

Thanks for reading,
The Ontaryan