Lesbian Jews Support Muslim Terror Suspect

Only In Canada...

Diana Ralph said fighting injustice is in her blood. Her father was a lawyer at the war-crimes trials in Nuremberg after the Second World War.
Diana Ralph said fighting injustice is in her blood.
Her father was a lawyer at the war-crimes
trials in Nuremberg after the Second World War.

A Jewish lesbian couple in Ottawa have been quietly offering support to a suspected Islamic terrorist even though they hadn’t even met the man when they first got involved in a fight against Canada’s security certificates.

“We had never met him at [that] point. We didn’t know anything about him. But we knew that the situation wasn’t right,” Jean Hanson told CBC News.

Hassan Almrei’s “situation” is that he’s been held in jail for more than five years on a federal security certificate without being charged with anything, and without knowing what evidence the government has when it claims he was part of a forgery ring linked to al-Qaeda.

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National Socialist Chauvinism

Hello Readers,

Many National Socialists today will always tell you that they are not nationalist chauvinists and they consider all ethnically White nations as equals.

Then they will tell you that they believe in - and follow - the Blood & Soil concept of the NSDAP. I wonder how many of these people have heard the following quote before?:

"As soon as we beat England we shall make an end of you Englishmen once and for all. Able-bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 45 will be exported as slaves to the Continent. The old and weak will be exterminated. All men remaining in Britain as slaves will be sterilised; a million or two of the young women of the Nordic type will be segregated in a number of stud farms where, with the assistance of picked German sires, during a period of 10 or 12 years, they will produce annually a series of Nordic infants to be brought up in every way as Germans. These infants will form the future population of Britain. They will be partially educated in Germany and only those who fully satisfy the Nazi's requirements will be allowed to return to Britain and take up permanent residence. The rest will be sterilised and sent to join slave gangs in Germany. Thus, in a generation or two, the British will disappear."

~ Richard Oscar Walther Darré, 1940
SS-Obergruppenführer, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture
(circled in photograph that also features, from left to right:
Josef Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Röhm, Hermann Goering, Walther Darré, Heinrich Himmler, and last someone who appears to be Rudolf Hess )

Now, don't get me wrong, I too see many great things in Darré's, most notably his two major books "Peasantry as Life-Source of the German Race" and "New Nobility from Blood and Soil". On one hand he is very wise to Nature and Nature's Laws, respecting the natural world around him thus formulating an ideology that takes "Green" issues and makes them a primary subject of the Party...

On the other hand, I simply can not endorse his anti-British, Nationalistic chauvinist statement above, at all. It actually makes me angry. The NSDAP was a strictly German organization. They wished to Germanize every Nation they conquered, and according to the above quote by Darré it would appear they had some very gruesome plans for the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples of England.
The image “http://mises.org/images3/nsdap.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Anyone with ties to the UK at all should really take a look at the ideology they are espousing with such enthusiasm. I know that they honestly mean well, after all, I too once considered myself a National Socialist.

Petty Nationalism is one of the major factors dividing us as a people, especially in Europa. You have the Teutons hating the Slavs, the Slavs hating the Mediterraneans etc., and this is contributing to the ongoing genocide of the White race. White people are spending too much energy on their dislikes of other European cultures and not enough on the invading cultures that are 100% alien to them and their people.

Unity is the key. Organization. Togetherness.

True Socialism.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan


Source: http://www.ottawaherald.com/ottsub/cartoons.shtml

Furor (Imus) Exposes Double Standard

Hello Readers,

Once again, The London Free Press has brought a good article to my attention regarding radio DJ Don Imus' current "racism" and "sexism" scandal.

Yes, scandal.

Why aren't Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson protesting Negro Hip-Hop 'artists' who constantly espouse racial hatred and violence against women, among other culturally genocidal practices? I know why. It's because they are racists who work in the sole interest of the Negro race first and foremost.

Also, please take note of The LFP using the title of "Furor" to describe Imus. This is just another Neo-Marxi$t media tactic which is being used to discredit Imus and all racially aware White people at the same time. It's common practice for the controlled media of Soviet Canuckistan to use buzz words like Nazi, Fascist, Anti-$emite, etc., to describe anyone with a Pro-White viewpoint, regardless of their actual political beliefs. It's a common media ploy to get rating$.


Ethnicity is a tender topic and the only way we know the bounds of acceptable speech is when someone oversteps those bounds....

There will be no litigation for mental anguish and emotional scarring. No running to the U.S. equivalent of the human rights commission; just the hope that both parties can work to make the world a better place....

The time is long overdue for their (Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson) moral outrage to move them to stand up to the icons of the black community who, under the guise of street talk/rap/music, utter the despicable, insulting comments that reduce all women to receptacles for men's pleasure....

There is a double standard when the white man who calls black women whores must be silenced, but the hop-hop "singer" who calls a black girl a whore is offering cultural expression....

If black hip-hop artists offer their apology for racist abuse toward women, only then should they too be heard on radio.

Source: http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Opinion/Religion/2007/04/21/4090610.html

RUDOLF HESS: Prisoner for Peace

In May of 1941, HESS flew alone from Germany to Britain to prove with his own physical presence that Germany's offers of peace with Britain were sincere and not mere propaganda. For this heroic, Christ-like act HESS was rewarded with life imprisonment, most of it in solitary confinement–until he was actually murdered in Spandau Prison by a British assassin in 1987 at age 93.

Instead of Hess, a true hero, being offered the Nobel Peace Prize--it went instead to one of the most scurrilous liars of all time, Elie Wiesel.
No man ever deserved the Nobel Peace Prize more than RUDOLF HESS.