In the early 18th century, Jesuit missionaries bore witness to a savage Aboriginal death ritual. The tribe that was conducting the ritual were the Hurons. Their victim? An Iroquois Aboriginal man who was kidnapped while he and his fellow tribesmen were fishing along the shores of Lake Ontario. The Huron chief claimed that his God Of War and The Sun would be pleased with the ritual they were about to proceed with.

Being a scared ritual, there were a set of rules that must be followed. One of these rules was that they were not allowed to massacre their victims before daybreak. Since they had captured the men at night, they could not execute their plans, so instead they just burned his legs. Also, they should not have sex during the night, but for what reason is unknown.

The tied and bound prisoner, screaming in immense pain started to sing a song that he had learned just for the occasion. The song was one of defiance, meant to invoke bravery in the soul while in the face of death. The Iroquois man was then brought inside of the primitive building they had constructed which was full of savages ready to brand him with burning bark. As the man resisted his upcoming fate, the Huronsbroke the bones of the man to restrain him and then pierced his ears with sticks from the ground, which they left inside of the ears.

Every time the Iroquois victim seems as if he were about to crossover to the realm of the dead, the Huron chief would make the brutal tribesmen cease their torturing because he was supposed to see the daylight. As dawn approached, he was taken outside. Then, he was forced climb onto a primitive wooden platform, enabling the entire village to see what was happening to him. These platforms built upon wooden scaffold replaced the ziggurats and pyramids that were common in Mesoamerica.

Once upon the death alter, four men took the task of torturing their prisoner. First they scorched out his eyes, placed red hot hatchets on his shoulders and forced burning rods down his throat and into his anus. As soon as they realized that their subject of sacrifice was about to die, they cut off his arms, legs and his head - all at the same time. They then threw the Iroquois man's head into the onlooking crowd. One of the barbaric Hurons in the crowd caught the head and carried it to the chief.

The chief made a meal out of the head.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings: The Origin of Cultures, Glasgow, 1978, p. 115

Asian Company Taking Over Auto Industry - Canadian Job Losses

"It simply means a continuing loss of jobs, more layoffs, more shift reductions and possibly more closures," Buzz Hargrove said, president of the Canadian Auto Workers(CAW) in regards to Toyota outselling GM in the auto industry.

The Japanese company is expanding fast, and it "just means less job opportunities for Canadians" according to Hargrove.

Sandra Pupatello, Ontario's economic development minister, "dismissed concerns Toyota's success may hurt some Ontario communities which have traditionally relied on the auto industry".

CAW president Buzz Hargrove isn't surprised, warning more problems await the industry.

Toyota Motor Corp. became the world's top auto seller in the first three months of the 2007, passing rival General Motors Corp. for the first time, the Japanese automaker said

TORONTO -- Toyota's new-found status atop the world's auto sector will mean more misery for the sector in Canada, particularly for parts suppliers, a leading analyst and a top union leader warned yesterday*.

For the first time ever, Toyota sold more vehicles globally in a quarter than General Motors, preliminary January-March figures show, the clearest sign yet the Japanese company is on track to overtake its U.S. rival as the world's top automaker[.....]


Children Fear For Safty In Immigrant Neighbourhood

The London Free Press published a very worrying article about the gang related violence and crime taking place in the Kipps Lane area of London.

The concerns of these kids nearly seem unrealistic considering their only in the 5th and 6th grade, but once I read that it was in the Kipps area I understood.

That part of the city is a dump. It's been taken over by immigrants and other non-Whites of the city. It is home to low income White families too, many who are just as bad as the immigrants and other non-Whites in the area.

Pupils voice fears of a neighbourhood

...The comments came Monday afternoon in a Grade 5/6 class at Northbrae public school, just east of Adelaide Street, between Kipps Lane and Huron Street.

The pupils recently finished studying a curriculum unit called The Power of One. They read about people who made a difference in the world -- people such as Martin Luther King, Anne Frank and Rosa Parks.

But teacher Gloria Jenkins says that when the pupils finished their assignments, they decided they wanted to do something more. They wanted to tell people about the problems -- like violence, drugs and graffiti -- plaguing their neighbourhood.....

[....]the problems in the neighbourhood -- an area populated with many immigrant and low-income families -- have recently increased.

Beyond Left & Right: The Third Way

In our fast moving world today, there is a new political orientation arising from the ashes of the failed politics of the left and right. An ideology that is standing above the rest in all ways. This new political preference is being called the radical middle, radical center, third way etc.

The radical center is not about re-hashing the failed policies of the capitalist right wing, nor the utterly senseless practices of equality that the left wing espouses. In other words, it is beyond the left and right taking core beliefs from both ends of the extreme political spectrum.

Most people do not consider themselves left wing or right wing, and in fact, a lot of people have no idea what the difference between the two are. A lot of these same people have noticed the same thing that I have: the left and the right just can't do the job.

What does the radical middle offer that the other political orientations do not? What can be gained by combining the practices of the left and right? I know, the two terms nearly contradict themselves, and people on the left and the right usually consider the center anything but radical. They would be very wrong.

Although the the third way may seem like a complicated mixture of the opposing ends of the political rope, it is actually very straight forward in it's philosophy. It enables the people to improve the status of their nations by connecting the real needs of the people. It offers realistic solutions to the larger problems that we face as citizens, as well as in the fields of government and business.

There are an infinite number of political and social ideologies unlocked by the human mind, and to throw ourselves into one category - either left or right - would not only be non-productive but also very regressive. Both the left and right have been proven as failed political ideologies over the last 100 years and there is no signs of either making a strong come back.

Communism, for an example, is no longer spreading like wildfire in Europe (and into the rest of the world) as a major political movement and has come to a halt in it's expansive conquest since the "Autumn of Nations" in 1989. The revolution against the secular Jewish Marxism began in Poland and started to spread into countries such as East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Romania was the only country in the Eastern Block that was actually lucky enough to have had the opportunity to capture and execute their Communist Head Of State. On the triumphant day of December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union was officially destroyed, splitting up the Eurasian super state into fifteen separate parts. This was the end of the world's largest totalitarian - and most influential - Communist state. Now it is Asia's Red China that holds that position, which is followed by North Korea.

Like the much larger class struggle, the national revolutionary minded people that have expressed themselves as radical centrists must deal with the changed political climates of the current times. If we don't, our people will be forever doomed, trapped in the nets of the capitalist New World Order and their oil hungry master plan for world domination. They suck the Earth dry of it's natural resources like the vampires they are, and in the process steal away our basic rights and freedoms to ensure the success of their global Final Solution of total conquest.

The most radical elements of both the left and the right have adopted their own definitions of 'anti-capitalism'. While at first glance this seems good, there usually is no significant signs that these people are truly anti-capitalist or that they even know what the term means. In most cases they actually mean to refer to the anti-globalization and anti-corporation movements.

The goals of the new and growing third way is to integrate the very best practices of the far left win and far right wing to achieve a much higher standard of living than we currently have. We are not ashamed to admit that if someone from the far left has a good idea, we would use and promote that idea - if it were to benefit our people. Likewise, we have no negative issues with taking great ideas from the far right when it best suits our people.

The fast paced, forever changing and evolving world around us needs to understand that the a third way is emerging, and that it is a realistic alternative to the failed programs already in power, and it could totally change our world policies. There is a vast hunger in this world for a new kind of politics. Something fresh. Something realistic. The third way gives us a map for how we - the seed of the European people - can travel from the world of old-fashioned gridlock to the world of unique thinking and new possibilities. It gives us a map for total political transformation.

Our ideal society is not one that should stay in a catatonic state, founded in the age of our European ancestors and remaining static for all time. Rather, it is a flowing process of constantly moving forward to unrealised possibilities. We have have the very difficult task of educating our people and teaching them not to be uncritical of the past. The task of teaching them to formulate their own creative possibilities and to represent a moving of our race forward.

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan

And I Thought Immigration Made Me Angry........

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This video is a good example of immigration gone wild. Bring home our troops and make them work immigration inforcement!

Farmland Shrinking In Ontario

The following London Free Press article scares me. Not in the typical "help me mommy, the monster is coming!" kind of way, but a more realistic "oh shit, this is serious" kind of way.

The author, John Minder, talks about how the South western Ontario region will be struck by a devastating blow. That blow is the loss of our farm land.

A quote in the LFP article really caught my attention.

It reads:

“If you can’t grow food within your own region, you are really cutting off your independence. If you pave it over, you are cutting off all your options for the future,”.

I could not have stated that better myself.

Tue, April 24, 2007

Canada’s thin slice of fertile land that can reliably produce crops is disappearing at an increasing rate — and Ontario is taking the worst hit, losing thousands of acres a year.

For a province with more than half the country’s best farmland, the pressures from urban sprawl are ringing more and more alarms.

There’s even a risk that with a new greenbelt now designated around the Toronto area, urban growth will punch into prime farmland in the London-Kitchener areas, “the most important land to protect,” said Bronwynne Wilton, a co-editor of a new book on farmland loss in Canada.....
