What is Zionofascism?

Below is a great article about Zionfascism and I thought I'd share it.
By Anarchore

"Not all Jews are Zionists. Not all Zionists are necessarily Zionofascists. One does not have to be Jewish to be a Zionofascist.

You may be familiar with the compound word ‘Islamofascism’. It was coined by the Jewish Neocon talk radio pitbull Michael Savage, to describe a fundamentalist Islamic ideology of conquest. We are all in danger of annihilation by the Islamic hordes, says Michael Savage. Not surprizingly, Mr Savage has recently been calling for nuclear strikes against Iran. President Ahmadinejad is the next Hitler, says Mr Savage.[......]"

CONTINUE READING HERE: http://zionofascism.wordpress.com/about/

Brigade M

Song: European Unity (English Version)

Watch this great music video from Dutch RAC band Brigade M. This band brings a unique ideology to the world of RAC, calling themselves National Revolutionaries. This ideology is beyond the stupidity of the Neo-Marxist left wingers, and beyond the Hollyweird rhetoric of the Hitlerist right wingers.

National Revolution, European Unity!

Misanthropic Humanitaryanism

What is Misanthropic Aryan Humanitarianism you may be asking yourself? To understand what this term means to me, and to fully understand what I mean by using the term "Misanthropic Aryan Humanitarianism", we must first understand what these two words mean separately. First we will look at humanitarianism, or rather it's root word, humanitarian. Wikipedia defines humanitarianism as:

".....an informal ideology of practice, whereby people practice humane treatment and provide assistance to others.

Humanitarianism is based on a view that all human beings deserve respect and dignity and should be treated as such. Therefore, humanitarians work towards advancing the well-being of humanity as a whole. Humanitarianism is the antithesis of the "us vs. them" mentality that characterizes tribalism and ethnic nationalism. Humanitarians abhor slavery, violation of basic and human rights, and discrimination on the basis of features such as color of skin, religion, ancestry, place of birth, etc. Humanitarianism is embraced by movements and people across the political spectrum, and particularly (but not exclusively) by leftists."

Like you might have expected, it seems like hard leftist, multicultural non-sense that denounces tribalism and ethnic nationalism, two very important issues to me. I believe that these two important characteristics that make up who we are must be preserved. Think of it like this: our own people with their own people, fighting for our own people with our own people, against anything that threatens us or our own people.

This definition also describes how a humanitarian is against slavery, violation of basic human rights and discrimination based on "...color of skin, religion, ancestry, place of birth, etc.". I would agree, that I am not pro-slavery, but on the other hand, I do not agree with humanitarianism's views of race and religion. Race exists. It's a fact. Some try to say that we are all the same, it's just skin difference. They are sadly wrong and either are brainwashed by the liberal pro-Zionist media to believe that the multiculturalist spectrum is working, or they truly believe this garbage and wish to spread their hate(anti-white, pro-everything else).

If race does exist, then one must be better, just as it is in the rest of the natural world.

Think of dogs for example, some breeds are smarter then others, some are more able to perform certain tasks then other breeds, and some are more likely to attack a human then other breeds. Well, this applies to the human world as well, and we see it all around us. I'm sure you can guess which breed of human I consider the best of the best.

Now to the point. You may be wondering how I consider my self a humanitarian yet condone what many call a racist ideology. Well, I do not consider myself a humanitarian. I am a humanitaryan. Did you notice that in the Wikipedia quote that they point out that not all humanitarians are leftists? I'm one of these people. In fact, I consider myself a misanthropic humanitaryan, but I'll get to the Misanthropic part later.

Now let us examine the word "Aryan". The original use of this word and it's meaning seems to be the topic of controversy among almost anyone who discusses it. Let's refer to Wikipedia again. It describes "Aryan" and the "Aryan Race" as follows:

"Aryan (/ɑːrjən/) is an English language word derived from the Iranian and Sanskrit terms ari-, arya-, ārya-, and/or the extended form aryāna-. The Old Persian and Sanskrit languages both pronounced the word as arya-/ɑːrjə/) and aryan. Beyond its use as the ethnic self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Iranians, the meaning "noble/spiritual" has been attached to it in Persian and Sanskrit. In linguistics, it is sometimes still used in reference to the Indo-Iranian language family, but it is primarily restricted to the compound Indo-Aryan, the Indic subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch.

Because of ethnolinguistic arguments about connections between peoples and cultural values, "Aryan" peoples were often considered to be distinct from Semitic peoples. By the end of the nineteenth century this usage was so common that "Aryan" was often used as a synonym for "gentile", and this popular usage persisted even after academic authors had ceased to use the term in any other meaning than "Indo-Iranian". Among White supremacists the term still sometimes functions as a synonym for non-Jewish 'white person.'......

.......The "Aryan race" is a concept in European culture that was influential in the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It derives from the idea that the original speakers of the Indo-European languages constitute a distinctive race. In its best-known incarnation, under Nazism, it was argued that the earliest Aryans were identical to Nordic people. Belief in the superiority of the "Aryan race" is sometimes referred to as Aryanism. This should not be confused with the unrelated Christian religious belief known as Arianism."

You may or may not be familiar with what a "Gentile" is. A gentile is a non-jewish White person. An Aryan is the same thing, BUT it also means nobel. I personally believe you must be a noble White person to be an Aryan, and not just White. Some consider Germanic/Scandinavian/Nordic blond haired, blue eyed tall people to be what Aryan is, and only this. This stereotype was enforced by National Socialist Germany during war times. I do not consider myself a "Nordicist", and this type of chauvinism is frowned upon by me. If you are white, act in a civil manner, and do not adopt the ways of foreign culture all while staying pure and true to your own race, you are an Aryan, and that is all that matters.

Now that we have discussed what a humanitarian is, and what I consider an Aryan, let's get to Misanthropy. Again, we will use Wikipedia for our reference of the definition of what Misanthropy is.

"Misanthropy is a hatred or distrust of the human race, or a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people. The word comes from the Greek words μίσος ("hatred") + άνθρωπος ("man, human being"). A misanthrope is a person who hates or distrusts mankind and in most cases his or her own humanity. Misanthropology is the scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of hatred in humans.

Misanthropy does not necessarily imply an inhumane, antisocial, or sociopathic attitude toward humanity.

While misanthropes express a general dislike for humanity on the whole, they generally have normal relationships with specific individuals. Misanthropy may be motivated by feelings of isolation or alienation. It may also resemble intellectual arrogance, where a person dislikes humanity because of a sense of mental superiority over other humans."

Damn, do I ever hate the human race. It makes me so sick, that I refuse to embrace almost all of what it has to offer. For the most part, the human race are like someone who is mentally retarded......by choice. They will accept anything said to them as fact, even if it is brainless trash like organized religions belief in a jewish god. As I pointed out, gentiles are non-jewish white people(not that jew are White or anything, although people assume they are based on looks: genetics are what count).

I ask you to ponder this: How can you believe in a god that is jewish, who has chosen the jews as "...a people above all other peoples of the earth", if you are not a jew? Christianity, or Christinsanity as I like to call it, is exactly that. The acceptance of a foreign god into our society has weakened our people. It teaches them to "turn the other cheek", "love your neighbor" and to forgive your fellow man no matter his sin. This mindset is what will destroy the White race, and in fact the whole world, if something is not done about it. My absolute hatred for this and other similar things in society, such as multiculturalism, capitalism and pollution/environmental damage are what make me misanthropic.

Since you now know what misanthropy, an Aryan and humanitarianism are, we can start to piece together what a Misanthropic Humanitaryan is. A humanitarian misanthrope is a term that describes someone that hates people and the world around him/her, yet always tries to better it. The Chinese philosopher Confucius is someone that is considered to be a humanitarian misanthrope. If you apply the word Aryan to that, it indicates that I'm referring specifically about the White Race. The White Race makes me sick, yet, I shall forever strive to better the world around me for my people. To me, this is exactly what describes a Misanthropic Humanitaryan, and I'm proud to be one.

Thanks for reading,
The Ontaryan

Imus Says He's Sorry

This is the anouncement of suspension for Don Imus, the morning DJ who is simulcast on MSNBC.

Imus made comments about a womens basketball team that many found offensive. He called them "nappy headed hoes".

If knee-jerk reactionary Black racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton did not blow this out of control, these basketball players would have never known he said those words. I highly doubt young black women in their early 20's listen to Don Imus.

The controled media is playing mind control games with Imus, exploiting his mistake to the fullest. He has been fired from his job. His name has been dragged through the mud by these manipulators and treasonous traitors all because he said a word they did not like. These women themselves reported that they have been called a 'hoe' before and it has never bothered them to this extent, but when an old White man calls them hoes, their entire world falls apart.

Some Negro was on CNN talking about how he thinks blacks and 'other minorities' use Imus as 'fule for the fire', which they plan to set White civil liberties and freedom of speach ablaze.

In this video:
Jesse Jackson, David Gregory, Eugene Robinson and Mike Barnicle.

In this video:
Jesse Jackson, David Gregory, Eugene Robinson and Mike Barnicle.

Prussian Blue Music Video

Song: "Stand Up"

This song is to be featured on the upcoming compilation CD being released by Condemned Records titled "Free Matt Hale", dedicated to none other than Matt F. Hale.

Women for Aryan Unity

To be prepared for our future, the future of our men and children, is something white women should be thinking about and acting upon. There are various things that are necessary to prepare ourselves for our fight against ZOG and other evils that impose their destructive ways upon us.

Perhaps it will be necessary to retreat to the forests of our great lands. Will you know how to survive? Have you thought about having to spend weeks or months without outside contact or help? Unlike our gatherings in Europe or the USA, you will not necessarily have the luxury of a nylon tent, sleeping bag or hamburgers cooked on your coleman stove. All you squeamish bug fearing females, lose your forest phobias and start preparing for tomorrow.

Other areas of interest that women should be getting involved in are the following: self defense: midwifery: survival cooking and once our goals have been achieved, education! These and previous items discussed will be some of the topics discussed in a magazine put out by Aryan women. This magazine should prove very interesting for both men and women, although it is geared mainly towards womens' roles in our upcoming battles.

W.A.U. Website

Jared Taylor: Racial Diversity Debate

Watch Jared Taylor talk about Canadian multiculturalism, smashing the media myths which claim that multiculturalism is a positive thing for the Canadian people.

The video was filmed in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • Racial Diversity Debate: a strength or weakness for North America was canceled by Saint Mary's University, however, the debate still took place off campus on March 6th,2007.

  • Several months ago before the debate had taken place, Mr. Taylor was attacked by the terrorist group ARA and other local criminals. Below is Jared's response to the attack and his views about the "louts" who attacked him. Watch Jared Taylor once again destroying the lies of what he calls the Canadian "state religion".

    Jared Taylor Attacked In Canada

    Jared Taylor debates Peter March on The John Oakley Morning Show

    MP3 Audio Version


    Here is a bonus article from Jared Taylor:

    Hyperventilation impresses Canadian academics—so much so that Saint Mary’s decided it could not lend its name to an event that might criticize racial diversity. When I checked into my hotel, I had a message from Prof. March: Saint Mary’s had pulled the plug. Its excuse? It had conducted a “review” of the security situation, and “new information” led it to conclude that “there is a higher level of personal risk and need for increased security than the university has the capacity to provide.”

    What new information? Aaron Doncaster, one of the people who had broken up my meeting in January, claimed on a lefty blog that he had received an e-mail message from someone saying that if Mr. Doncaster made a move against me during the debate, he would be cut open with a knife. Mr. Doncaster added that he would show this threat to Saint Mary’s and get them to cancel the debate. Prof. March called the threat utterly bogus, noting it was made on an “obscure blog, with an obscure complaint by an unnamed person.”

    Jared Taylor: Return to Halifax