Time Magazine

I was on Time Magazine's website and came accross some old articles they published that they now feature on their website. Here are a few old articles that turned up in the results when I searched for "Aryan". I'll be adding more of these evry day until I get bored or Time runs out of articles for me to choose from!

(Click on the title to view the complete article.)

Monday, Jan. 11, 1932

BASQUE PEOPLE — Dorothy Canfield — Harcourt, Brace ($2.50). Scholars have vexed themselves in vain to demoot the question of the Basques. Nobody knows for sure where they come from or what their queer language is. (Scholars classify it as non-Aryan; can not explain its origin.) Till the Basque tennis player Jean Borotra....


Church Militant
Monday, Oct. 09, 1933

Sleepy old Wittenberg—the town of Martin Luther who made it the cradle of the Reformation—snapped to attention last week at a new Nazi wonder. Tramp, tramp, tramp 150 Saxon theological students marched into town, brown uniformed and carrying complete Army equipment, even campaign knapsacks. Wags called them "God's New Storm Troops." Newly enrolled, they had been sent by onetime Corporal Adolf Hitler as a guard of honor for his leather-lunged friend, onetime Army Chaplain Ludwig Müller. recently elected Evangelical Bishop of the State of Prussia (TIME, Aug. 21). Last week Dr. Müller was.....


Aryans on Horseback
Monday, Oct. 16, 1933

Prussia's martinet Premier, beefy General Hermann Wilhelm Goring, would rather see Jews support racehorses than other Jews. Though famed as an ace aviator, General Goring agrees with his cavalry friends that a man on horseback should be a cut above other men.....


New Heathenism
Monday, Nov. 27, 1933

Berlin's vast Sportpalast rumbled one night last week with a great gathering of the "German Christians," Nazi Wing of the Evangelical Church (TIME. June 12, et seq.). on deck to demand the super-Nazification of the Church. Their presiding officer was brisk, sleek, pomaded young Rev. Joachim Hossenfelder. Bishop of Berlin and Brandenburg. Their prime hot-head was one Dr. Reinhold Krause. Meeting a few days after the 450th birthday of their Church's founder, Martin Luther, they proceeded to juggle ecclesiastical dynamite. According to Nazi Pastor Krause, German Protestantism needed a "second Reformation." He submitted three reforms:

1) Elimination of......


Ruby Ridge Documentary

Anti-Islam Jew Reporter Defends Muslim Criminal

This morning started like any other morning for me. I woke up with the alarm buzzing beside my head, got showered and dressed ready to start the day. Like usual, I turned on my computer and visited The London Free Press' website to see if there were any articles that I found interesting or important.

Yesterday I blogged about Lesbian Jews who supported a Muslim man in Ottawa. Today, once again, there is a Jew involved. This Jew is calling for Canada to take action against China because they have arrested a man for breaking Chinese law.

His crime: Calling people to worship with a megaphone in a Communist state.

I couldn't have cared less about the situation until I stumbled upon this article. I find it odd that these Jews are supporting and defending these Muslims, especially Muslims accused of terrorism such as the one I reported about yesterday.

Then it dawned on me: divide and conquer.

That's right, the Jewish tactic of causing chaos by instigating negative international affairs.

First, since when is an Arab Muslim immigrant who breaks international law remotely anything Canadian? What is Canadian about that? If he's not representing the country like the cookie-cutter immigrant their Utopian wasteland of multiculturalism pretends to produce, then why even bother making a fuss over his arrest for breaking the law? He's only been a "Canadian" for two years, since 2005.

Sure, the Chinese are a very wicked nation when regarding their politics, but in this case I would have to agree with their government spokesperson when they said it's "China's internal affair".


"Stop us if you've heard this one before.

It's the story of a Canadian citizen, a Muslim.

He's arrested while travelling abroad, accused of terrorism, and shipped to one of the world's most feared dictatorships, where he has been held for almost a year.

There are fears he's been tortured and Canadian officials have been denied access to him.

Maher Arar in Syria, you say?

Nope -- Huseyin Celil, a 38-year-old human-rights activist and father of four, sentenced last week to life in prison in China for the crimes of "separating China and . . . organizing, leading and participating in terrorist groups, organizations.""

-- Lorrie Goldstein's E-Mail address.

Source: http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Opinion/Editorials/2007/04/23/4112992.html

Non-White Immigration & Population:

They Destroy Everything They Tuch

Unless The White Race acts fast to change the immigration situation in the U.S., the population of the Nation will double in size in record time. Some speculate that by the year 2020, if things keep getting worse and the trends continue, the United States of America will have enough people inside of it's borders that it could could create another New York, Los Angeles, Chicago - and 100 other major cities in the country - if the White race does not act now.

Population increase is determined by three things:

* Mortality (the death rate, which has been steadily decreasing in the U.S.)
* Birth Rates or Fertility (children per woman)
* Net Immigration (immigration minus emigration).

Unlike in under-developed Non-White countries, fertility rate (which is children per woman) isn't the majory contributor to American population increase it used to be. In actuality, the overall Americans fertility is slightly less than the replacement level and has not exceeded the replacement level since 1972.

Components of U.S. population growth

The Non-White Mestizo coming to America has been the largest contributer to population growth(followed by Asians; mostly Chinese). Third world South/Central American immigration brings well over 2.25 million people into the United States a year, and well over 1.5 legal immigrants and illegal as of 2002, which is now estimated at much higher(2.5+ million in 2007). The rest of the 2.25 million comes from an estimated 750, 000 births to non-white immigrant woman annually. With an almost 70% increase in foreign-born "Americans" since 1990 - the total being close to 35 million - over 11 million are in the country illegally. That is an increase of over 5 million since the early 1990's.

Population has always been a topic of interest to environmentalists and racialists alike since the early 1970's. If the White race had only put a cap on the immigration that was taking place in the 1970's, the American population would have settled itself in the 255 million range by 2020 and then maybe lowered to a more environmentally stable level over a short period of time.

After l970, Non-White border jumpers and their offspring have added close to 50 million people to the once nearly all White country. Sadly, the flood of muds coming into the U.S has not stopped or slowed the population growth in the former homelands of these people. Nations such as Mexico, China and Central American countries have not stopped growing at consistent rates.

It's clear that we will not solve the population problems of the 3rd world by adopting their migrants into our Western nations. Since there are so many immigrants in America using a high amount of resources, they are not only jeopardizing the well being of the environments of their lands, but also of lands that we extract much of their resources from.

The NPG did a demographic analysis of age distribution, fertility, and mortality and the data shows that if there had been no immigration to America since 1990, the population 10 years later in 2000 would have been 262 million, which is 20 million less than what was actually counted. Therefore, immigrants and their offspring that came post-1990 account for over 61% of the population increase in the last 10 years.

According to modern trends, over 70% of the population growth will be caused by the flood of non-white immigration, including their children.

What the White race needs to do in order to preserve a healthy environment for our race is clear.

Stop immigration!

Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan