Canada Immigration Requirements

This website is the most treasonous website I have ever seen. I hope that it is a rip off website. Hopefully it is a scam artist of sorts. Probably, the person behind the website is an immigrant in Canada too.

Take a look for yourself. I can't believe that he/she/they are selling immigration tips that will save immigrants money when they come to our country. On top of it all, the website gives them many great reasons to come here. For example, the website quotes a Canadian politician:

"Immigration in Canada stimulates the country's growth, prosperity and cultural diversity. Canada benefits from the talents, experience and energy of immigrants, whether they are skilled workers, business people, foreign students, temporary workers or others."

A search result for on Google for the name of Alex Berezovsky returns many results, mostly Jewish groups and this Jews immigration articles and see some of his website. He's the person who has written the material on the website and the book that they are offering. I suggest you take a look at this. Or maybe this one.

Multiculturalism will never flourish like ancient cities of Europe have. Multiculturalism will never flourish like the European cities of Canada once did before the massive influx of non-European immigrants. With people Alex Berezovsky making a living off of destroying our country it's no wonder Canada has so much cultural tension brewing. Hell, it's happening all over the world, Europe, Australia, America and now Canada. We're standing up against the people invading the land of our forefathers. Our land.

London Ghetto: Drugs, Children, Skinheads, Negro Gangs, Junkies, Pissed Off Moms & Race Related Violence

“It’s the worst place ever . . . this place is known as the ghetto.” Gladys Regnier, who lives in a public housing complex at Southdale Road and Millbank Drive.

This is no place to raise a child, says Gladys Regnier.

The mother of three wanted to leave the London neighbourhood even before a local teen intentionally hit her eight-year-old son in the face with a golf club.

But it's not that easy.

The 45-year-old mother applied for a housing transfer more than a year ago, but spaces with the London and Middlesex Housing Corp. are limited.

"It's the worst place ever . . . this place is known as the ghetto," says Regnier, who lives in a public housing complex at Southdale Road and Millbank Drive .

"I walk around and find crack pipes."

That's no place to raise her children, she says, two of whom have special needs.

Karen, who has lived there for three years and didn't want her last name used, is also frustrated.

"It's (a) drug haven," she says.

Another woman, near tears, says, "I'm ashamed to live here."

On July 29, 2006, gunshots rang out at the 172-unit complex that's home to 300 children and 203 adults.

Two shots were fired at 11 p.m. and more at 12:30 a.m.

No one was injured and no property was damaged, but residents feared for their lives.

Some said the conflict was racially motivated -- that skinheads and black youths were at war inside the complex.

Others said the people involved didn't even live in the community.

Others blamed it on a youth gang called the Bloods, identified by their red clothing and bandannas, who residents say live in the neighbourhood.

For their part, police made no arrests. They have said between six and 12 men were involved, but they don't know who or why.

But it shook the neighbourhood to its core.

Mounds of garbage accumulate before the week's scheduled pickup because there's no recycling program for the complex and most residents put their garbage out too early in the week.

The hot summer days intensify the smell and raccoons scatter the contents across the walkway.

But the garbage problem also has to do with people outside the complex who treat the area like a landfill, regularly dumping their own trash, despite the efforts of residents to prevent it.

Front lawns are dirt patches with no gardens or flowerpots. Some backyards are unkept and filled with junk.

The worn-down basketball court in the centre of the community is a youth hotspot at night for fights and drugs.

"There are way too many kids in here . . . it's about two to four kids per unit and a lot of young kids running around," says resident contact Steve Bates.



Green Activists Target Lake Erie Coal Ship

OTTAWA — Three Greenpeace activists who boarded and chained themselves to a coal carrier in Lake Erie on Thursday morning have been arrested.

Greenpeace spokesman Shawn-Patrick Stensil said the Ontario Provincial Police made the arrests shortly after noon.

Greenpeace activists boarded and chained themselves to a coal carrier in Lake Erie on Thursday. The Algomarine was en route to Ontario’s Nanticoke Generating Station, which the environmental organization claims is Canada’s largest source of climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions.
Greenpeace activists boarded and chained themselves to a coal carrier
in Lake Erie on Thursday. The Algomarine was en route to Ontario’s
Nanticoke Generating Station, which the environmental organization
claims is Canada’s largest source of climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions.
Photograph by : Greenpeace Canada/HANDOUT

Dominique Du Sablon, 20, of Toronto; Charlie Latimer, 25, of Vancouver; and Emily-Elizabeth Storey, 22, of Toronto have each been charged with two counts of mischief, a Greenpeace spokeswoman said.

The Algomarine was en route to Ontario’s Nanticoke Generating Station — which is located on the north shore of Lake Erie in Haldimand County, southeast of Simcoe — and was carrying 30,000 tonnes of coal.


Full Story Here

The environmental organization, claims Nanticoke is Canada’s largest source of climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions and the province’s biggest source of smog-causing pollution.

Vlog: Argy Bargy On Radio

Paul Fromm ... For Our People - SHOW 7

For Our People. A weekly show by famous Canadian Freedom Activist Paul Fromm.

This weeks show is: A history of Paul Fromm ... A man of the People (Part 2)

The political inspiration of Canada's leading immigration reform activist -- Paul Fromm.

A main driving force in Paul Fromm's life is his obligation of a Canadian to speak out and protect Canada's European Heritage and values.

John Diefenbaker (Prime Minister who brought in the Bill of Rights) said: Canadians should never have to be afraid to voice their opinions. With today's thought police at the Canadian Human Rights Commission -- where Truth is No Defence -- our freedom are being eroded away at breakneck speed.

Because of Paul Fromm's activism, he has been under constant attack by groups like the Canadian Jewish Congress and the League for "Human Rights" of B'nai Brith. Pressure from these groups lead to Paul Fromm's firing by the Peel Board of Education. All for being a responsible Canadian and speaking his mind.

3rd World Labour Creates 3rd World Quality

When will the people of our country realize that capitalists care more about putting money in their bank accounts than they do about YOUR safety?

Third world people working for third world prices are going to make third world products. Capitalism and Communism working hand-in-hand to destroy your lives in order to better their own. Two sides of the same coin.

  • “Capitalism is Man Exploiting Man; Communism is just the opposite.”

No toying around with China

A part from reinforcing the old adage that you get what you pay for, the troubles surrounding the made-in-China brand pose some intriguing questions about China's future.

China, seeking to create jobs quickly, is acting as the world's subcontractor for low-priced consumer goods based on cheap labour costs. But international headlines about toxic chemicals, hazardous products and recalled items show the plan's weaknesses.

The push for even lower prices has spurred a race to the bottom in a very raw capitalism where safety standards seem not to count.



Quebec Police Scare The Public With SPP Provocature

N.S. Coalition Say Quebec Undercover Cops Create 'chill' on Public.

HALIFAX (CP) - A coalition of social activists in Nova Scotia is calling for an independent inquiry into the tactics used by undercover police during a protest at the North American Leader's Summit last week in Montebello, Que.

Vince Calderhead, a legal aid lawyer who works in the human rights field, said Monday that the actions of three Quebec provincial police officers last week have helped create a "chilling effect" on the right to freely assemble.

Using the officers to infiltrate the demonstration was aimed at manufacturing a "shroud of criminality" over a legitimate protest, Calderhead told a news conference, attended by various anti-poverty, labour, environmental and human rights groups.



Haper Blames Liberals

The Big Mouthed Stephen Harper would rather blame the Liberals for his mistakes than be a man and take responsibility for the deaths of Canadian troops overseas. Claiming that his warmongering party has rid this nation of corruption by beating the Liberals in the last election is nothing more than a joke. Get real Stephen Harper, you blood thirsty, money hungry, power tripping vampire.


VICTORIAVILLE, QUE. -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper focused on the benefits of a Conservative government and didn't dwell on Quebec casualties in Afghanistan yesterday during a visit to the province.

Harper told a crowd of supporters that Conservative values consist of supporting the military, working for safe communities, offering responsible government, controlling spending and reducing taxes.

Harper said the Conservatives aren't ashamed of "Canada's rich military heritage."


Speaking almost entirely in French, Harper repeatedly referred to the previous Liberal government as corrupt and praised his Conservatives for ridding the country of the corruption.



Legal Drug "Salvia" Worries Police

Salvia is a drug that is legal in Canada. I've seen people use this plant. I've seen the effects.

It's smoked in a much similar way Pot is smoked. You pack some of it in a pipe and then you smoke away. The effects seem to make people insane for short periods of time, 3-5 minutes.

I have no idea how this is legal, it's a very hard drug. It's a natural plant that is commonly found in backyards. It's far more dangerous than pot. Don't get any witty ideas about growing your own though, the stuff they sell in stores is doctored and is far more potent then the stuff you'd grow at home (unless you know how to refine it properly).

People get the perception that since this is just a plant and that it is natural it must be okay for them to use. Some even justify it's use by comparing it to chemical abuse and claim that since it's natural that it's better than chemical drugs. Ignorance if I ever heard it.

Salvia's quick high worries police
London Free Press

It's a powerful hallucinogen and a common garden herb and it's becoming a cheap way to get high on London streets.

It's Salvia divinorum, it's legal and it has London police worried.

But they can't do anything about it.

A woman, who didn't want to be named, said she first tried Salvia in 2005 and isn't eager to do it again.

"It was more powerful than any drug I've ever had," said the woman, who has used marijuana, magic mushrooms, and ecstasy. "The whole trip lasted about 10 seconds . . . It kinda freaked me out."

The herb has been sold in stores for more than 10 years, but it's become more common with its recent appearance in variety stores.



Newfoundland Bureaucrat at Centre of Spending Scandal Reported Missing

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. (CP) - The police in Newfoundland were searching Saturday for a former bureaucrat at the centre of the province's legislative spending scandal, after he was reported missing.

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary were looking for Bill Murray, the former director of financial operations at the province's legislature, who was last seen on Friday.

Murray, 53, was suspended from his job last year amid allegations from Newfoundland's auditor general that he played a key role in approving questionable expenditures.

Auditor general John Noseworthy has alleged Murray signed off on $2.7 million worth of various trinkets and keepsakes, including customized gold rings, fridge magnets and key chains.

Murray also faces a breach of trust lawsuit launched by the Newfoundland and Labrador government.



Stop SPP Protest - Union Leader stops provocateurs

Israeli Jews Murder 11 Year Old Child

NABLUS, WEST BANK -- An Israeli raid in search of militants in a West Bank village sparked a firefight that left two Palestinians dead, including an 11-year-old boy, Palestinian officials said.

Mahmoud Karnawi, 11, was shot after Israeli troops moved into Saida village in the northern West Bank, witnesses said. They said the troops were trying to arrest his older half brother, a wanted Islamic Jihad militant. A gunfight erupted as they approached the family's home.


PIGS = Agent Provocateurs


Share this news story with EVERYONE you know!

Police were caught red handed acting as provocateurs at the SPP protest in Quebec. There is video showing undercover police being agitators in the crowd and one of them is said to have been seen with a fist-sized rock in his hand, allegedly handed to him by "extremists" to throw at the other police officers.

This is crooked, and clearly shows that there is a hidden agenda here.

Ordinary citizens becoming watchdogs
Sat, August 25, 2007

A video clip on website may have forced Quebec's provincial police to admit undercover officers were involved in a protest this week and in an age of proliferating cellphones with video capability, ordinary citizens are poised to become watchdogs of police accountability, experts say.

A clip appeared on the website showing a union leader confronting three apparent protesters at the North American Leaders' Summit in Montebello, Que., accusing them of being police officers attempting to incite violence at an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

After days of denials, the force admitted Thursday the trio were, in fact, police officers, but not the "provocateurs" protesters made them out to be. Protesters and the union leader seen in the video, Dave Coles, note the video clearly shows a fist-sized rock in the hand of at least one undercover officer.

Insp. Marcel Savard yesterday acknowledged that one of the officers was given a rock by protesters but did not use it.

"He was asked by extremists to throw the rock at the police, but never had any intention of using it," Savard said.

In the past, such a debate likely would not have progressed beyond the he-said-she-said sphere, but video evidence posted on the web for all to see left the Surete du Quebec with few options.



Made In London....NOT!

The rising sun that is the Japanese automotive industry has warmed much of Southwestern Ontario, but left London largely in the cold.

The $1.1-billion Woodstock Toyota assembly plant opening next year has attracted seven parts plants to the region over only two years, but those businesses have found homes in more rural Ontario, as Japanese industry shuns larger cities, such as London, to locate in small-town Ontario, a deliberate strategy, industry observers agree.

"We have found Japanese companies we have been in touch with are delighted by our services, taken with our land availability, but at the end of the day go to smaller communities," said John Kime, president and chief executive of the London Economic Development Corp.


Liberal $cum Have Catholic Agenda

Dalton McGuinty is a scumbag. Let's get one thing straight - I am an atheist and opposed to organized religion in nearly all of its forms. What McGuinty is doing with making this statement is a clear sign of the Liberal party's devotion to the Roman Catholic Church, which promotes the ideas of primitive man and a very primitive theory on the origin of life.

TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty lashed out at Conservative Leader John Tory's proposal to bring faith-based schools into the publicly funded system, suggesting yesterday it threatens Ontario's social cohesion.

"I don't think that Ontarians believe that improvement or progress is defined as inviting children of different faiths to leave the publicly funded system as we know it and go to their own schools," McGuinty said.

"I think that's regressive, I think that takes us backwards, I think our responsibility is to continue to improve the publicly funded system of education."

McGuinty said a public school system is a foundation for social cohesion, bringing children of all different backgrounds, faiths and economic circumstances together.

But McGuinty has no plans to stop funding Catholic schools.



Pig Eaters Get Government Money

On November 30, 2004, The New York Times broke the story of what it called "grisly" animal abuse at the world's largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse, AgriProcessors Inc. The story, based on this disturbing undercover investigation, received wide coverage in the mainstream media and remains the biggest scandal in the kosher meat industry in recent memory. Although this is about pork farmers, and Jews do not eat pork, many pork farmers own other livestock and many of them practice kosher slaughter.

PERTH EAST -- Beleaguered Canadian hog farmers trying to stay afloat were thrown a life raft this week.

The federal government will spend $76 million over the next four years to combat diseases and try to bring stability and profitability back to the sector.

A stubborn range of diseases has driven up hog mortality rates and pushed down farmers' margins and spirits since late 2004.

The funding announcement was made by Perth-Wellington MP Gary Schellenberger at Phil and Eleanor Anwender's farm north of Stratford and in Quebec at the same time by Secretary of State for Agriculture Christian Paradis.

The two provinces account for the bulk of hogs in Canada's $8-billion pork industry.



Watch this video and support the fight against
kosher slaughter and give your support
for animal liberation!

Native land dispute unsolved

Nearly three months after the Ipperwash inquiry report was released, the chief of the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation is waiting for government negotiators to be appointed to resolve longstanding land issues.

Chief Tom Bressette said the federal government has yet to name a new negotiator to deal with the return of the former Camp Ipperwash army base.

"We currently are just waiting for processes in Ottawa," Bressette said yesterday.

Likewise, the Ontario government hasn't moved to set up negotiations on the future of the adjacent Ipperwash Provincial Park.

In his report on the violent confrontation in 1995 between police and native protesters that ended with the death of Dudley George, Justice Sidney Linden said the most urgent priority was for the federal government to return the army camp to the First Nation "immediately."

The land was taken from the natives under the War Measures Act in 1942.


It was surrendered by the natives in 1928 and later purchased by the province.





Either from The Left or The Right, it's not uncommon to hear people dishing out conspiracy theories involving a one world government, and whether it be controlled by Freemasons, members of the Illuminati, or International Zionofascists, the theme is consistent - TOTALITARIANISM.

Is there a chance of this ever happening? Well, in a very scary and realistic tone I say "yes", there is a chance. That is, only if we, the free people of this great green Earth allow it to happen.

The first step towards a modern one world government, commonly referred to as the New World Order, was the creation of the European Union. The next step the globalists are taking is to "integrate Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a North American Union through unfettered immigration trade deals such as NAFTA, etc." In 2005, the Security Prosperity Partnership was formed by the leaders of Canada, Mexico and The United States Of America.

http://www.SPP.GovSPP Representatives

The SPP are calling for free and open borders, allowing the free flow of people and produce. In doing so, all three sovereign nations will lose their sovereignty and the North America Union will be the next step in the quest for total global domination.

There are many things that I personally disagree with regarding the SPP's "Prosperity Agenda". For example, in the manifesto they want to "[i]mprove the health of our indigenous people through targeted bilateral and/or trilateral activities, including in health promotion, health education, disease prevention, and research." I have to ask, why are they being specific about their intentions to help the "indigenous" population of North America only? Why just the "indigenous people"? Don't the descendants of the European settlers who built these (once) great nations deserve the same government benefits? With other absurd goals in their manifesto, such as wishing to "[w]ork towards the freer flow of capital" and to implement "[i]dentify measures to facilitate further the movement of business persons within North America", it's no wonder that they will be met with resistance everywhere the go.

They are on their way to Quebec.

Elizabeth May, The leader of the Green Party was quoted saying there's "a new threat to Canada's water is emerging in secret negotiations being held under the proposed Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) between the United States, Mexico and Canada". Scary stuff. The leader of the opposition Liberal Party Stephane Dion's open welcoming of the NWO master-plan is a crystal clear betrayal of Canadian sovereignty and independence from the United States of America. Jack Layton and his NDP are the only mainstream part that openly stand opposed to the SPP. On the NDP website, they have a page dedicated to the SPP and explain why it is not not a good thing for Canadians from their point of view. Here's the basics:

What is the SPP?
The Security and Prosperity Partnership is the latest move toward continental economic and social integration aimed at establishing common policies between Canada, the United States and Mexico in 300 policy areas, including:

  • environmental protection
  • security
  • energy
  • food and health standards
  • foreign affairs
  • military
  • immigration
Is the SPP democratic?

Under the SPP, Canada will have less and less ability to adopt independent and sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental policies. Undemocratic harmonization of health, safety, and environmental standards will lead to a race to the bottom where everyday Canadians lose out.

How does the SPP infringe on Canadian sovereignty?
Under the SPP, Canada will have less and less ability to adopt independent and sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental policies. In the long run, this could have a lethal effect on Canadian public programs such as universal health care and public education.

Harper, Bush and Calderon are set to meet in Montebello, Quebec. You can be sure that there will be violent resistance. It will happen everywhere they go. They can not avoid that. When you destroy our basic freedoms and steal our sovernignty you deserve all the opposition you get.




Protests herald leaders' arrival
More than 1,000 demonstrators from across the continent marched on Parliament Hill yesterday to protest the arrival of U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Ottawa today.

Also visit:

For Our People

This weeks show is:

A history of Paul Fromm ... A man for the People (Part 1)

The political origins of Canada's leading immigration reform activist. From the Fidel Castro communist rebels and Paul Fromm's parents to his early political education. Paul's political life started in his early life and was mainly influenced by the Communist threat and the immigration invasion of Toronto, that went from a primarily European society. In 1961, Toronto was 99% European. Today, the European founder settler people are a minority.

The displacement of Anglo-Saxon/European Canadians through ethnic cleansing on the installment plan, had a great impact on Paul Fromm. The Immigration Revolution was never put to a vote in Canada, but rather forced on the population, done by stealth, lies and bullsh*t.

By the last year of Paul Fromm at the University of Toronto, his political destiny as a Freedom Fighter was forged out of the Communist/Marxist attack on free thinking Canadians, and their fellow travelers in places like the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Russian Nationalists Blow Up Rails?

This video says that russian Nationalists may be to blame for the recent train attacks. I should note that a video of alleged Russian National Socialists executing two non-Whites, beheading one of them, has leak onto the internet. While I was reading some of the discussion regarding the beheading video, somone said that there is an armed resistance about to take place in Russia against "blacks". In Russia, the term "Blacks" refers to all people of colour, not just Negros.

London: New Home To Africa!

Notice the use of the term "rich black skin" in this London Free Press about Negro school schildren from Africa who now live in London. The term is being used to describe one of the Negro childrens racial traits. Do you think they would ever compliment a White child's skin tone and get away with it before somone cried about 'racism', 'supremacy' or 'nazis'?

At least they make mention of Africs's mud hut homes and violent culture.

'Kids won't miss home . . . this will be home'

A slender boy in a red T-shirt looks at the floor and shuffles his feet, too shy to answer the question asked by a younger child in the front row.

"How do people go to the washroom?" the question comes again.

This time an embarrassed white grin splits across Abraham Awai's rich black skin.

"In a hole," the 13-year-old boy finally mumbles, as a roomful of summer students breaks into squeals of shocked delight.

It's culture time at the Good News Christian Reformed Church on Clarke Road, where 64 Sudanese elementary school pupils have spent five weeks in a project aimed at helping them succeed.

Awai, son of the school supervisor, Amedeo Awai, has just returned from a trip to Africa and is describing life in a refugee camp where he visited his relatives.

"Is there toilet paper?"


"What are houses made of?"




Black America Speaks Against Mestizo Invaders

Grow, or whoa?


When it comes to growth, it's all about attitude, says London Deputy Mayor Tom Gosnell.

"You can sit back and look at all the negatives of a project or you can start out by saying, 'How can we make this happen in our community?' " says Gosnell, a former mayor who has pushed hard to get the city's growth rate moving upward. "They just look at the negatives. They don't look at the positives, at the costs and benefits."

Therein lies the frustration of the so-called pro-growth faction on city council that likely will keep growth issues front and centre for the balance of council's four-year term.

Gosnell's frustration exploded last week after planning committee recommended -- at the staff's urging -- to keep the urban growth boundary closed, jeopardizing a proposed $80-million private industrial park on Wilton Grove Road across the street from the urban growth area boundary.

Gosnell laid the blame on a "whining socialist cabal" on council, sparking a public furor and forcing Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best to jump into the fray to find a solution at Wednesday's board of control meeting.



Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Revolution International!:
What Motivated me to Establish the Syrian Social Nationalist Party

By Antoun Saadeh

Ron Paul

For all of you Americans.......