Legal Drug "Salvia" Worries Police

Salvia is a drug that is legal in Canada. I've seen people use this plant. I've seen the effects.

It's smoked in a much similar way Pot is smoked. You pack some of it in a pipe and then you smoke away. The effects seem to make people insane for short periods of time, 3-5 minutes.

I have no idea how this is legal, it's a very hard drug. It's a natural plant that is commonly found in backyards. It's far more dangerous than pot. Don't get any witty ideas about growing your own though, the stuff they sell in stores is doctored and is far more potent then the stuff you'd grow at home (unless you know how to refine it properly).

People get the perception that since this is just a plant and that it is natural it must be okay for them to use. Some even justify it's use by comparing it to chemical abuse and claim that since it's natural that it's better than chemical drugs. Ignorance if I ever heard it.

Salvia's quick high worries police
London Free Press

It's a powerful hallucinogen and a common garden herb and it's becoming a cheap way to get high on London streets.

It's Salvia divinorum, it's legal and it has London police worried.

But they can't do anything about it.

A woman, who didn't want to be named, said she first tried Salvia in 2005 and isn't eager to do it again.

"It was more powerful than any drug I've ever had," said the woman, who has used marijuana, magic mushrooms, and ecstasy. "The whole trip lasted about 10 seconds . . . It kinda freaked me out."

The herb has been sold in stores for more than 10 years, but it's become more common with its recent appearance in variety stores.




Anonymous said...

This article is laugable (you should work for the Daily Express), whoever wrote this is either clueless or illusional.

Anonymous said...

agree 100% with daniel.. fuck propaganda

Anonymous said...

This article is very ignorant and short scoped.
I find it very sad that so much is said with knowing so little.
Salvia is a very subjective experience. People who take it as a party drug rather than for meditation, as it has been safely used for, for centuries, are bound to be disappointed as it clearly takes after the state of mind of the person taking it.

Mark Taylor said...

Salvia is too good.Now it has contest visit
and here:
Click on to it and enjoy salvia with vivid dreams

Unknown said...

I agree that Salvia shouldn't be used recreationaly. It is an herb used for meditation to gain insight on life and the universe and to expand your minds. You party people should stop abusing it!
You will ruin it for all of us that actually use it for it's actual
purpose. I'm getting off of Weed
and will be using Salvia instead
And it is better if eaten than smoked
because it is non toxic if you eat it instead of smoking and it lasts longer with the same intense effects if done properly.


aFreak said...

First of all I'm french so please excuse my language.

You wrote you've seen the effects but you never smoked salvia and you don't even know exactly what it is.

Of course it's stronger than pot and maybe ecstasy, but it's not a drug for partys.

I can't explain all in english but you should look on Erowids.

Think a little before writing things.