3rd World Labour Creates 3rd World Quality

When will the people of our country realize that capitalists care more about putting money in their bank accounts than they do about YOUR safety?

Third world people working for third world prices are going to make third world products. Capitalism and Communism working hand-in-hand to destroy your lives in order to better their own. Two sides of the same coin.

  • “Capitalism is Man Exploiting Man; Communism is just the opposite.”

No toying around with China

A part from reinforcing the old adage that you get what you pay for, the troubles surrounding the made-in-China brand pose some intriguing questions about China's future.

China, seeking to create jobs quickly, is acting as the world's subcontractor for low-priced consumer goods based on cheap labour costs. But international headlines about toxic chemicals, hazardous products and recalled items show the plan's weaknesses.

The push for even lower prices has spurred a race to the bottom in a very raw capitalism where safety standards seem not to count.



Quebec Police Scare The Public With SPP Provocature

N.S. Coalition Say Quebec Undercover Cops Create 'chill' on Public.

HALIFAX (CP) - A coalition of social activists in Nova Scotia is calling for an independent inquiry into the tactics used by undercover police during a protest at the North American Leader's Summit last week in Montebello, Que.

Vince Calderhead, a legal aid lawyer who works in the human rights field, said Monday that the actions of three Quebec provincial police officers last week have helped create a "chilling effect" on the right to freely assemble.

Using the officers to infiltrate the demonstration was aimed at manufacturing a "shroud of criminality" over a legitimate protest, Calderhead told a news conference, attended by various anti-poverty, labour, environmental and human rights groups.



Haper Blames Liberals

The Big Mouthed Stephen Harper would rather blame the Liberals for his mistakes than be a man and take responsibility for the deaths of Canadian troops overseas. Claiming that his warmongering party has rid this nation of corruption by beating the Liberals in the last election is nothing more than a joke. Get real Stephen Harper, you blood thirsty, money hungry, power tripping vampire.


VICTORIAVILLE, QUE. -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper focused on the benefits of a Conservative government and didn't dwell on Quebec casualties in Afghanistan yesterday during a visit to the province.

Harper told a crowd of supporters that Conservative values consist of supporting the military, working for safe communities, offering responsible government, controlling spending and reducing taxes.

Harper said the Conservatives aren't ashamed of "Canada's rich military heritage."


Speaking almost entirely in French, Harper repeatedly referred to the previous Liberal government as corrupt and praised his Conservatives for ridding the country of the corruption.



Legal Drug "Salvia" Worries Police

Salvia is a drug that is legal in Canada. I've seen people use this plant. I've seen the effects.

It's smoked in a much similar way Pot is smoked. You pack some of it in a pipe and then you smoke away. The effects seem to make people insane for short periods of time, 3-5 minutes.

I have no idea how this is legal, it's a very hard drug. It's a natural plant that is commonly found in backyards. It's far more dangerous than pot. Don't get any witty ideas about growing your own though, the stuff they sell in stores is doctored and is far more potent then the stuff you'd grow at home (unless you know how to refine it properly).

People get the perception that since this is just a plant and that it is natural it must be okay for them to use. Some even justify it's use by comparing it to chemical abuse and claim that since it's natural that it's better than chemical drugs. Ignorance if I ever heard it.

Salvia's quick high worries police
London Free Press

It's a powerful hallucinogen and a common garden herb and it's becoming a cheap way to get high on London streets.

It's Salvia divinorum, it's legal and it has London police worried.

But they can't do anything about it.

A woman, who didn't want to be named, said she first tried Salvia in 2005 and isn't eager to do it again.

"It was more powerful than any drug I've ever had," said the woman, who has used marijuana, magic mushrooms, and ecstasy. "The whole trip lasted about 10 seconds . . . It kinda freaked me out."

The herb has been sold in stores for more than 10 years, but it's become more common with its recent appearance in variety stores.
