Local Crime Rate Increased 9% in 1 Year

"While the national crime rate fell three per cent last year, this region showed a sharp increase"

Local crime rates have risen over 9% in the last year according to this article from the London Free Press. I have no doubt in my mind that this is largely due to immigration and the negative influence Hip-Hop 'culture' is having on our youth. Murray Faulkner, London's police chief said, "Our sex assaults are up, our weapons offences are up this year and violent crime with youth are up. The violent aspect is troublesome, but a lot of other crimes are down". Scary thought, especially for senior citizens and youth. I don't want to live in a society that is infested with senseless crime. Do you?

London bucks crime decline

Crime in the London area increased more than anywhere else in Canada last year, just as the national crime rate dropped to record lows, new numbers show.

Statistics Canada reported yesterday the nation's crime rate dipped by three per cent in 2006, mainly due to fewer non-violent offences such as break-ins and minor thefts.

But in the census area that includes London, St. Thomas, Strathroy and Middlesex County, the overall crime rate jumped by nine per cent -- the highest climb in the country.
