Atheist Against Homosexuality

There are many reasons to be against homosexuality that are not Bible related.

Homosexuals have a higher STD rate than straight people.

Homosexuals engage in reverse gender roles and are therefore mentally unstable (because there is no mutated Gay gene in our DNA that says homosexuality is normal).

Homosexuals make up the vast majority of paedophiles.

Homosexuals are actively militant in their views and literally try to force people (either by protest or arrest) to accept their degenerate lifestyles.

Homosexuals do not contribute anything positive to the world's genetic pooling.

Homosexuals actively recruit children into organizations such as NAMBLA.

Homosexuals are usually radical leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists or Marxists.

Homosexuals are more likely to commit suicide than anyone (even crazy postal workers, pissed off spouses and depressed teens).

I could go on all day about it.

Have you ever thought that if it wasn't a genetic defect (which it isn't), it is social brainwashing by radical leftists that have infiltrated the media, schooling systems and in some cases, the government?

Have you ever researched the evidence to support the conspiracy theory that there was - and still is - a homosexual agenda being carried out in the White nations of the world? You should take a look into it without jumping to conclusions.

Many homosexuals - mainly the current trend of 'emo' kids - are victims of the homosexual agenda of ultra-liberalism which opposes the eternal laws of Nature.

The FIRST law of Nature, as demonstrated by Nature herself, is survival of the species.

How do homosexuals positively contribute to the survival of our species?

If they say that being gay is a genetic defect, or in their own mind what can be considered natural, then they admit that they are willing to add negative genes into the gene pool. That is immoral and will result in De-evolution both physically and socially.

If they say it is a social mindset and a chosen way of life, then they are victims of propaganda and are weak minded. Therefore, if there were to procreate, they would be contributing negative genetic defects into the family tree of humanity.

Do you believe that following the will of the individual - even if it will contribute to the backwards evolution of our human species - is more important than the good of the whole human species?

Leave me a comment with your opinions.


Anonymous said...

Do you think that you might be make sweeping generalizations here? Some homosexuals have higher STD rates than straight people, but female homosexuals tend to have lower STD rates than straight people.

Some homosexuals engage in reverse gender roles, these are the ones you notice and the ones the media promotes. However, most homosexuals you wouldn't know they were homosexual unless they told you.

Homosexuals do not make up the vast majority of pedophiles. Up to a third of all pedophiles are homosexual. That is not a majority and most homosexuals are not pedophiles.

Not every homosexual is a "gay" activist, most are not. Most have nothing to do with the homosexual agenda and many do not even support it. Most just want to be left alone.

NAMBLA is a very small organization with about 1,000 members representing a tiny percentage of all homosexuals as there are millions of homosexuals in America.

Homosexuals can be anything from conservative, libertarian or liberal. Around 25% reguarly vote as republicans and some are even Christians (those that are non practicing homosexuals).

Now you may think I am defending homosexuality but I am not. I don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle or agenda. But we musn't make generalizations against them. Not every homosexuals is a radical leftist out to destroy society or a child molester.

Homosexuality has two definitions. The first is attraction to the same sex and the other is sodomy. Sodomoy is obviously a choice and a sin but people can't help being attracted to the same gender. They do not have to act on it however.

Although there has been no "gay gene" found same sex attraction is a disoder. We call it same sex attraction disoder. It can be a very depressing illness. I should know because I suffer from it myself. I don't live a homosexual lifestyle or agree with or take part in the homosexual agenda. I am a conservative and a Christian but I am still a homosexual because I am attracted to the same sex.

Anyway just some thing for you to think about. Stereotypes are not rules and we are not all like you portray us. You would be surprised at the number of us who are not in fact.

Anonymous said...

The generation coming up today will readily embrace homosexuality because it is being pushed in school, the media etc. The media is the great deception and the biggest evangelist for evil. This is how God was taken out of the picture.
This scientific “proof” of being homosexual is not proof and is propaganda to make people accept it as a genetic trait (like a bum leg) rather then some serious issue. If you choose the gay lifestyle, it is not rocket science you will adapt yourself to that lifestyle.
If a White man is living in China chances are he will marry a Chinese woman and not a White woman. Its not genetics nor is it rocket science. If a person places themselves around other homosexuals….you do the math.
As far as pedophilia, there is no statistical data that shows homosexuals molest children at a higher rate than homosexuals. This goes beyond sex and well into, well, plain sick.

Religion will be blamed and used as an escape goat by homosexuals and all else who want to practice things that are unnatural and/or unhealthy. The old saying, my mother doesn’t let me do anything which includes; drinking and driving, drugs, sex all night long etc…Yeah, Mom is such a killjoy like religion who has a set of moral standards centered around God and Atheists who have moral standards set in place by God.
The Vatican hides gay priests like you would not believe. The priests hide themselves there from society and sadly many molest children due to the rigid unbiblical laws placed on these men.

Fact is, most homosexual relationships have a male/female figure. One will be male dominate and the other female passive regardless if it is male/male or female/female.
Being homosexual is not logical because it does nothing for the human race or the gene pool which is why it is unnatural. To further compound issues, they are people and do long to have children, only problem, this is when their homosexuality comes into play. Homosexuality cancels out their reproduction being with the same sex but want to have children….oxymoron.
I have 2 sons, I don't have to tell them to like girls they just do, that's normal. See, a homosexual can never say, that is not normal.
All the protesting, marches will not change what is true and real, the union between man and woman is sanctified and special and no matter what is made legal, homosexuals will never have this.
So, would I hire a homosexual for a job, yes I would. Would I grant them civil rights? Yes I would.
Not marriage, that is for man and woman. Civil rights is a short stretch since most (White)homosexuals make very good money and fair better than minorities and even Black homosexuals.

Discriminating and normalizing are two different things. We can treat a person with respect and not praise the wrong things they are doing and push it in schools as being normal.
How wayward America has come, evil is called good and good is called evil. God forbid we don't jump on the bus called "politically correct." God forbid the truth stings a little.

The boy with the green tambourine said...

You're weird.

Anonymous said...

I am an atheist, leftist and socialist, but I am against homosexuality, because their sex is very unhealthy. I think homosexuality is only one symptom of the mental illnesses. I feel sorry for them, and for their mothers. My friend are atheists as well, and they don't think homosexuality is normal.

Anonymous said...

You're all so intolerant and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Im christian, but aside from my faith....I believe homosexuality is not just wrong, its unnatural. I am a woman who is attracted to men. Ive never had the desire to "be" with another woman. Frankly, the thought of living that lifestyle makes my stomach turn, and thats not mentioning kids being involved, which is even me ignorant call me me what you gut instinct says its wrong.....and i wont see it any other way...thats my right ;+)

Anonymous said...

You are 100% right. It is your right to think what you want and express it. On the other end of that is everyone else's right to not give a fuck. Be disgusted all you want and disapprove all you want, and yes you are intolerant, not just by the fact that your misinformed assumptions are pathetic but purely by the definition of the word itself. Also because your "gut" says its wrong means it's NOT FOR YOU worry about YOUR LIFE don't think just because you don't personally enjoy homosexuality that it shouldn't happen. If someone came into your house and told you you can't raise your children or you can't live with or be married to your husband how would you feel? Would you feel free or happy if everyone else dictated your life? If not keep your bigotry to yourself and stop trying to control what other people are doing. Live your life and let other people live there's.
And to hit on this whole sickening article I would like to say congradulations. All of these are the same pseudo facts that every religious leader campaigning against homosexuality have used forever. Its bullshit propaganda, that is all.

Peter said...

One of the things that I have noticed about those who are trying to force the acceptance of this debased 'lifestyle' upon the vast majority who do not accept it, is how furious (like 'Anonymous', above) they become when they come upon even the mildest of opposition. They also, again like 'Anonymous' above, try to intimidate us decent folk by using foul language, as though they believe that we are all so weak that we will cave in at the mere sight of it.

The expression of anger, especially if it has ascended to the heights of fury, is always a sure sign that the one expressing it has well and truly lost the debate and has nothing of substance to offer anymore.

Mona said...

I am relieved to have found this blog post. I have always known and believed that homosexuality was inherently wrong. I had no idea there were atheists out there who think this way. How refreshing!

Anonymous said...

I was looking this blog up because I wanted to see if not just just US "Christians" believed that homosexuality is wrong. In all honesty i dont care what the Bible says about homosexuality, i dont need to read it to know and or think that is wrong. Although i dont believe in evolution, but speaking of it it is evolutionaraly incorrect if it is genetic and there is no pro-recreation, if it is a choice and what not then it might possibly be a mental ailment and i emphasise possibly, in my personal opinion its gross, and my last point religiously speaking it does say in the bible that its a big no no. But this is America this is a democracy people have voted and people have chose and there for i respect the person but does not mean i like it at all.i would never take anybodies rights seats where they are not treated equally as if they are not human beings but i am still completely against it but i wouldnt hurt someone or not help someone because of their lifestyle ...

Anonymous said...

It is impossible to even find a rational debate on Google I went to a small liberal school this was put on a mountain as normal and good

It is not
any institution that obstains from having sex with women while simultaneously trying to have relations with children results in pedophilia
Whether its Penn state the catholic church or ancient Greece
For this reason alone I cannot ''tolerate'' homosexuality it s wrong and routinely tries to redefine words like healthy natural and so on...

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality at it's core is a narcissistic behavior. And not healthy one either. There is plenty of evidence out there showing homosexuality linked to both STDs & pedophilia. You don't need a Bible to prove any of this!

Butthurt LGBTs in 3...2...1...