Harper touts 'third option' during foreign policy speech

Harper, a Neo-Conservative Zionofascist, is trying to lie to the South American people by using Canada's Liberal/Socialist reputation to claim he is not Americanized in his politricks. He's claiming to hold a Third Position stance.

Shame on Stephan Harper...

Neo-Zionists must be exposed as the lieing, hateful, fear mongering fascists that they are!

Hands off of Chile, Harper!
Shame on Michelle Bachelet, National Traitor!

SANTIAGO, Chile (CP) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper signalled a major shift in foreign policy Tuesday, saying his government is eager to forge new relationships in Latin America based on the "Canadian model" of development.

Harper said Latin America is sometimes depicted as at a crossroads between two unpalatable choices, the hard capitalism of the United States and the authoritarianism and class warfare of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

"This is, of course, utter nonsense," he told a business audience of about 500. "Canada's very existence demonstrates that the choice is a false one. Canada's political structures differ substantially from those in the United States.

"Our cultural and social models have been shaped by unique forces, and we've made our own policy choices to meet our own needs."

The address was considered a major event in Chile. In attendance were President Michelle Bachelet and two former presidents, Ricardo Lagos and Patricio Aylwin, along with business executives of the Canada-Chile Chamber of Commerce.

The address was greeted with sustained applause from the executives and with praise from Bachelet, who said "after hearing you, we haven't any doubt about why we are advancing our relationship."

The speech followed the signing of an agreement with Chile to increase economic, political and social links, including completed negotiations on opening access for financial services. This will give Chilean banks the same access to Canada as U.S. firms.

It was the second trade liberalization announcement in two days in the region. Monday, the prime minister announced that talks toward a Canada-Colombia-Peru trade deal had begun.

Often accused of singing Washington's tune, Harper's speech was notable for the differences he perceived between Canada's model and the American model.

He said the Canadian model promotes freedom, democracy, human rights and open markets. Where Canada differs is in its policies of "social cohesion," such as universal health care, equalization and other progressive institutions.



London Raises Fag Flags Once Again

Tue, July 17, 2007

Despite strong warnings from battle-scarred veterans in the tolerance wars, city council last night agreed to raise the banner for gay pride this summer -- the first time in nine years.

"It is 2007. It is high time we did this," Coun. Roger Caranci said.

"This is long overdue. No longer are we going to be petty," Coun. Cheryl Miller added.


"You will have to do this for everyone," she warned.

Last night's debate arose suddenly out of a recommendation from board of control the city take a look at the flag policy, while it gives $2,500 to the Pride London Festival this year.

Both measures were approved, but councillors suddenly decided to raise the rainbow flag this year for the gay pride festival that runs Thursday to July 29 .


The city's troubles with flag raising and proclaiming special days began in 1995, when then mayor Dianne Haskett and council refused to proclaim a Gay Pride weekend.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission found the city discriminated against gays and lesbians and ordered the city to proclaim Gay Pride.

In 1998, council allowed staff to do proclamations. That backfired when staff unknowingly approved a proclamation in support of a white supremacist group. Council was forced to call an emergency meeting to rescind the proclamation.