Liberal $cum Have Catholic Agenda

Dalton McGuinty is a scumbag. Let's get one thing straight - I am an atheist and opposed to organized religion in nearly all of its forms. What McGuinty is doing with making this statement is a clear sign of the Liberal party's devotion to the Roman Catholic Church, which promotes the ideas of primitive man and a very primitive theory on the origin of life.

TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty lashed out at Conservative Leader John Tory's proposal to bring faith-based schools into the publicly funded system, suggesting yesterday it threatens Ontario's social cohesion.

"I don't think that Ontarians believe that improvement or progress is defined as inviting children of different faiths to leave the publicly funded system as we know it and go to their own schools," McGuinty said.

"I think that's regressive, I think that takes us backwards, I think our responsibility is to continue to improve the publicly funded system of education."

McGuinty said a public school system is a foundation for social cohesion, bringing children of all different backgrounds, faiths and economic circumstances together.

But McGuinty has no plans to stop funding Catholic schools.



Pig Eaters Get Government Money

On November 30, 2004, The New York Times broke the story of what it called "grisly" animal abuse at the world's largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse, AgriProcessors Inc. The story, based on this disturbing undercover investigation, received wide coverage in the mainstream media and remains the biggest scandal in the kosher meat industry in recent memory. Although this is about pork farmers, and Jews do not eat pork, many pork farmers own other livestock and many of them practice kosher slaughter.

PERTH EAST -- Beleaguered Canadian hog farmers trying to stay afloat were thrown a life raft this week.

The federal government will spend $76 million over the next four years to combat diseases and try to bring stability and profitability back to the sector.

A stubborn range of diseases has driven up hog mortality rates and pushed down farmers' margins and spirits since late 2004.

The funding announcement was made by Perth-Wellington MP Gary Schellenberger at Phil and Eleanor Anwender's farm north of Stratford and in Quebec at the same time by Secretary of State for Agriculture Christian Paradis.

The two provinces account for the bulk of hogs in Canada's $8-billion pork industry.



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kosher slaughter and give your support
for animal liberation!

Native land dispute unsolved

Nearly three months after the Ipperwash inquiry report was released, the chief of the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation is waiting for government negotiators to be appointed to resolve longstanding land issues.

Chief Tom Bressette said the federal government has yet to name a new negotiator to deal with the return of the former Camp Ipperwash army base.

"We currently are just waiting for processes in Ottawa," Bressette said yesterday.

Likewise, the Ontario government hasn't moved to set up negotiations on the future of the adjacent Ipperwash Provincial Park.

In his report on the violent confrontation in 1995 between police and native protesters that ended with the death of Dudley George, Justice Sidney Linden said the most urgent priority was for the federal government to return the army camp to the First Nation "immediately."

The land was taken from the natives under the War Measures Act in 1942.


It was surrendered by the natives in 1928 and later purchased by the province.
