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Monday, Jan. 11, 1932
BASQUE PEOPLE — Dorothy Canfield — Harcourt, Brace ($2.50). Scholars have vexed themselves in vain to demoot the question of the Basques. Nobody knows for sure where they come from or what their queer language is. (Scholars classify it as non-Aryan; can not explain its origin.) Till the Basque tennis player Jean Borotra....
Church Militant
Monday, Oct. 09, 1933
Sleepy old Wittenberg—the town of Martin Luther who made it the cradle of the Reformation—snapped to attention last week at a new Nazi wonder. Tramp, tramp, tramp 150 Saxon theological students marched into town, brown uniformed and carrying complete Army equipment, even campaign knapsacks. Wags called them "God's New Storm Troops." Newly enrolled, they had been sent by onetime Corporal Adolf Hitler as a guard of honor for his leather-lunged friend, onetime Army Chaplain Ludwig Müller. recently elected Evangelical Bishop of the State of Prussia (TIME, Aug. 21). Last week Dr. Müller was.....
Aryans on Horseback
Monday, Oct. 16, 1933
Prussia's martinet Premier, beefy General Hermann Wilhelm Goring, would rather see Jews support racehorses than other Jews. Though famed as an ace aviator, General Goring agrees with his cavalry friends that a man on horseback should be a cut above other men.....
New Heathenism
Monday, Nov. 27, 1933
Berlin's vast Sportpalast rumbled one night last week with a great gathering of the "German Christians," Nazi Wing of the Evangelical Church (TIME. June 12, et seq.). on deck to demand the super-Nazification of the Church. Their presiding officer was brisk, sleek, pomaded young Rev. Joachim Hossenfelder. Bishop of Berlin and Brandenburg. Their prime hot-head was one Dr. Reinhold Krause. Meeting a few days after the 450th birthday of their Church's founder, Martin Luther, they proceeded to juggle ecclesiastical dynamite. According to Nazi Pastor Krause, German Protestantism needed a "second Reformation." He submitted three reforms:
1) Elimination of......