Haper Blames Liberals

The Big Mouthed Stephen Harper would rather blame the Liberals for his mistakes than be a man and take responsibility for the deaths of Canadian troops overseas. Claiming that his warmongering party has rid this nation of corruption by beating the Liberals in the last election is nothing more than a joke. Get real Stephen Harper, you blood thirsty, money hungry, power tripping vampire.


VICTORIAVILLE, QUE. -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper focused on the benefits of a Conservative government and didn't dwell on Quebec casualties in Afghanistan yesterday during a visit to the province.

Harper told a crowd of supporters that Conservative values consist of supporting the military, working for safe communities, offering responsible government, controlling spending and reducing taxes.

Harper said the Conservatives aren't ashamed of "Canada's rich military heritage."


Speaking almost entirely in French, Harper repeatedly referred to the previous Liberal government as corrupt and praised his Conservatives for ridding the country of the corruption.
