56% of Canadians believe that foreigners own too much Canadian land according to the below article from THE LONDON FREE PRESS. I agree with this 56% of the people.
For example, the June 4th blog I posted about Shmuel Farh, an Arab land owner who owns over $250 Million dollars of the downtown core in London, Ontario. This Arab claims to be working against the "white, Anglo-Saxon business and political community" because he claims they are working
against him. If there are people trying to push this Arab out of the city in the world of business and land ownership, then good for them!
We need Canadians taking a stand against this foreign invasion and occupation of Anglo-Saxon Canadian land. We need more Canadians owning our major business sectors and industrial sectors. The style of economics our nation toys with now is basically economic suicide!
The Liberals can see the trouble of this rising problem. The Neo-Conservative puppets like Stephan Harper and his international gang of Zionist agitators are allowing all of this to happen, and they do so with a large smile on their face.
Here is the full text of the LFP article:
Source: http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Business/2007/06/07/4241190-sun.html
For example, the June 4th blog I posted about Shmuel Farh, an Arab land owner who owns over $250 Million dollars of the downtown core in London, Ontario. This Arab claims to be working against the "white, Anglo-Saxon business and political community" because he claims they are working

We need Canadians taking a stand against this foreign invasion and occupation of Anglo-Saxon Canadian land. We need more Canadians owning our major business sectors and industrial sectors. The style of economics our nation toys with now is basically economic suicide!
The Liberals can see the trouble of this rising problem. The Neo-Conservative puppets like Stephan Harper and his international gang of Zionist agitators are allowing all of this to happen, and they do so with a large smile on their face.
Here is the full text of the LFP article:
Foreign Ownership Increasing
Thu, June 7, 2007
Whoa, Canada. Who stands on guard for thee?
With the latest foreign takeover wave of iconic Canadian companies, it's getting hard to tell what's ours and what's theirs.
StatsCanada said capital flowing in and out of the country in 2006 "recorded the highest percentage increase in six years."
But while Canadian companies sent $523 billion (up 13.8 per cent) out of the country, the Ottawa statisticians found much of this was "capital outflows to existing operations."
The incoming money told a different story, and was "mostly the result of acquisitions of major Canadian firms" by foreign raiders.
The CIBC World Markets economics team called it "merger mania," and then predicted "the key forces underpinning the unprecedented mergers and acquisitions wave will remain in place."
So much so that the CIBC crew climbed out on a limb and predicted the TSE index will top 15,000 by year's end, much of it merger driven.
Last year "blockbuster" acquisitions in the mining and energy sector boosted the value of Canadian takeovers by a "sizzling 80 per cent," the report continued.
There's money to be made if you are on the right side of the deal. The premium prices paid by the out-of-country raiders average 20 per cent and approach 40 per cent in the mining sector.
But the document also warned of a "growing concern" that mergers will "hollow out corporate Canada."
A recent Ipsos Reid poll found 56 per cent of Canadians surveyed felt foreign ownership is "definitely a problem" and something "we should be watching carefully."
When the provincial numbers are broken out, 60 per cent of Ontarians said takeovers were becoming an issue, while in Alberta -- where foreign companies have run the oil patch from the early days -- a surprising 51 per cent raised a red flag.
A further 48 per cent said the federal government is "not strict enough" in regulating foreign investment.
Certainly the federal Liberals can read polls and sense the growing unrest.
"Canadians want to keep the Canada in Bell Canada," blasted industry critic Scott Brison, while his leader Stephane Dion demanded Prime Minister Stephen Harper "immediately review the rules" governing foreign takeovers.
He also wants to make sure the Investment Canada regulations include a "proper test of net economic benefit."
Or else "standing on guard for thee" might just become "standing on guard for them."
Neil Waugh is the financial columnist for the Edmonton Sun
Source: http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Business/2007/06/07/4241190-sun.html
Couple things I think important to know. I think you should really check your facts before you publish them. Your rant about "Shmuel Farhi", who is Israei, not "arab" as you claim is nothing more than that....A rant. As a White-Anglo typical "wasp" who is young, I went to shmuel Farhi after I graduated with the intention of opening a store, as I knew the "big" landowners would not take the time to seriously consider a young guy with no business experiance, and I did not have tens of thousands of dollars to drop into all their corp. B.S.
Mr Farhi, who's shouting is backed up with a heart of gold worked with me and actually gave a damn. When issues arose, he was always there to take time out to sit and talk with me. Any other landlord would have just sent me to their worker bees, but Farhi's office was always open. So rather then complain about one person owning too much of anything, why don't you go ask his tennants what they think. I promise they will say the same thing. "he is loud, but the best landlord you could ask for". Although he owns a lot, you will never et the feeling you are dealing with anyone other than a caring person. He knows all his tennants by name. As per his bein gin bed with city hall? Again, that's B.S. What about the ivery family? Or the new Bessie Labatt library at King's College London. You should conduct an audit of how that building came to be, then worry about a hard working man who forces our lazy city council to actually get things done as opposed to sitting in their chambers and spending our tax dollars pondering over what "type of leather to use on council's new chairs".
Farhi works like a horse, he has a lot of buildings, he has what he has because of hard work. Get over it people!
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