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Dear Terrible Tommy:
Terrible Tommy says:
Dear Terrible Tommy:
The white revolutionary movement can learn a lot from the anarchist movement. When the anarchist movement began in the 19th century its aims were to destroy capitalism, Christianity, Monarchy, and Democracy through "direct action". "Direct action" usually consisted of lone wolves creating havoc. A lone wolf anarchist killed the Russian Tsar in the late 1800s, another killed American president McKinley in 1901, and still another attempted to take out FranklinRosenfeldt in the early 1930s. In the 1880s anarchists in France began to follow the theories of Emile Pouget, who taught that anarchists should infiltrate the bureaucracies of labor unions. This movement became known as anarcho-syndicalism (the followers were syndicalists). The syndicalists successfully infiltrated unions and spread havoc in the form of strikes, riots, and lone wolf violence. Although the anarchists and syndicalists were not overtly pro-white and often included Jews, they did have good ideas. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) led by Bill Haywood did a lot of revolutionary activity in America that we can learn from. I don't see why any of their ideas cant be used by us but with a pro-white slant. Haywood was charged but beat a murder case for the bombing death of the reactionary former governor of Idaho, an interesting man. Today the only people I see talk about anarchism are brainwashed nigger loving punk rockers. I think that may change when they see that the next wave of anarchism will bring on a race war.....[...].
Terrible Tommy says:
I agree but we do not need to carry old fashion labels to accomplish the same result. My opinion is that both National Socialists and Anarchists should update their labels. I am very aware of the history of the anarchists. Bakunin was definitely a white racist. I am not sure about Kropotkin If you had read my material and updates over the years I think you would find plenty of Racial Anarchist thinking. In short I have no problem at with dialogue and mutual respect for real Anarchists. As you say though not the bubblegummers who have never even studied the subject.
Voluntaryism and National/Tribal anarchism would allow for racists to be racists on their property or integrationalists to be such on their own property. Voluntaryism isn't "anti-Capitalism" in that capitalism is essentially free market ideas without government need and third parties for dispute resolution again without any need for government. Most racialists are simply Statists regardless of the racial views. Evolve beyond Statism. Voluntaryism would be the solution that allows for all to be free and not have either multi-culturalism or racialism forced on anyone.
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