Black Man Beats Up White Woman In London

The following makes me sick to my stomach. A local woman was violently attacked and robbed by a Black man today, according to an article in THE LONDON FREE PRESS. She was removing money from the ATM machine when a young Negro viciously beat on her causing serious bodily harm. The attacker is described as being ", 5'5", and between 18 and 22 years old. He wore dark, baggy clothing."

It's this kind of race related violence that leads me to believe that multiculturalism is not a good things. This violent thug will get what's coming his way once he's arrested - if he's arrested - by someone in jail. What kind of savage brutally attacks defenceless women? My guess is that he's a drug addict. Who else beats up women for money other than drug addicts? Not many people that I've heard of.

The other part that really bothers me is that this was the SECOND crime at that ATM machine today. Another woman was attacked earlier in the day according to the LFP
report. What has happened to our Nation?

"Suspect beats up woman at ATM
Tue, May 29, 2007
Man inflicted serious injuries in vicious attack

A woman leaving an automatic bank machine was thrown to the ground and viciously attacked by a thief who made off with her purse, police said today.

It was one of two incidents at city ATM kiosks Monday night. In the other — an attempted robbery — the would-be victim escaped with her wallet.

And as investigators search for suspects in both cases, police warned the public to be cautious when using ATMs.

“If you can avoid it, don’t use them after dark,” said London Police spokesperson, Const. Amanda Pfeffer.

“Be aware of your surroundings, and be aware of people who approach you from behind.”

Pfeffer said robberies most commonly take place outside kiosks, where crooks are waiting for people to come out with money.

In the attack Monday night, the woman had left a kiosk at 1076 Commissioners Road E. around 11 p.m. As she walked out a man confronted her, then knocked her to the ground while trying to wrestle her purse away.

"It was a very violent attack and she sustained serious injuries as a result,” said Pfeffer, declining to give more details on the injuries but saying the woman was treated in hospital.

Witnesses told police they saw a suspect running northbound on Pond Mills Road from Commissioners Road.

He is described as being black, 5'5", and between 18 and 22 years old. He wore dark, baggy clothing."

  • NOTE: Photos added by "The Ontaryan"

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Best Enemies Money Can Buy

Best Enemies Money Can Buy: Stanley Monteith Interviews Antony Sutton

Stanley Monteith interviews Professor Antony Sutton about his work on uncovering the real financiers of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet Union and National Socialist Germany.

Classic Creativity: Matt Hale

London's MultiCULTuralist Politricksters Are Up To No Good

Here we go again....

Canadian politicians will stop at NOTHING to force multiculturalism on The Majorty.

City council's only visible minority won his bid yesterday to have city hall review the diversity of its workforce -- but only after one of his supporters was accused of insulting minorities.

Coun. Harold Usher was taken aback when his proposal, which cited the low percentage of visible minorities in anything but the lower echelons of the civic work force, was condemned by a fellow councillor.

Coun. Paul Van Meerbergen dismissed the move as preferential treatment based on race.

"I consider this an affront to visible minorities . . . It's these types of policies that belong on the scrap heap of left-wing political ideology," Van Meerbergen said.


"It's done without artificial political constructs. It's done on merit -- not skin colour," Van Meerbergen said.

Usher ignored his statements, saying, "Some comments don't deserve a response."


Controller Gina Barber said council could lead the way by considering diversity when appointing people to boards and commissions.

"I hope we'll take this to heart," Barber said.

Others were concerned the debate about Usher's proposal would leave some with a belief that neither the city nor city hall welcomes minorities.

Leading that charge was Controller Gord Hume, who asked staff to document policies and initiatives already in place to encourage a diverse workforce.



London IDIOT Calls For More Minorities In Office

This is outrageous. This is anti-White European in every way possible! There are PLENTY of minorities in the city, why do they feel the need to hire them based on skin colour and gender? That is DISCRIMINATION! They want to hire these people just because they are not White males, it's just that simple!

What I'm talking about is the new proposal made by "Coun. Harold Usher, a visible minority born in Belize in Central America..." that suggests the city of London hires more visibal minorites.

Hey Harold Usher, if you're not satisified with the way we run things up here in Canada, why not go home to Belize and hire minorities there?

The part that really bothers me is "...the city (LONDON) had 36,420 visible minorities, excluding aboriginals, when the...census was taken in 2001.

That meant minorities accounted for 11 per cent of the city's 2001 population, which has since grown from 332,000 to more than 350,000, with the percentage of minorities also thought to have risen."

Jesus fucking Christ! That's a lot! That's a rather large increase if you ask me, considering that we should be cutting back on minorities not adding to the pile! They are handing out CANADIAN jobs to immigrants and minorities based on the fact that they are not White men! I hope to see an outcry from the locals about this...

Push for city hall diversity
Mon, May 14, 2007
Ward 12 Coun. Harold Usher wants the city to adopt a strategy to hire more visible minorities.

Tired of years of lip service on the issue, a London city councillor wants the city to hire more visible minorities.

Coun. Harold Usher, a visible minority born in Belize in Central America, has for years pushed to diversify city hiring with no visible success.

Tonight, the Ward 12 politician's motion asking city staff for a diversity strategy goes to city council for approval.

"I'm not asking for a quota system," Usher said."But we have to be more conscious of the problem. Unless we keep pushing for it, nobody does anything about it. Nobody seems to care."

Minority hiring was a hot issue in Ontario in the early '90s, when Bob Rae's NDP government brought in an employment-equity law to promote hiring by major employers of racial minorities, women, natives and the disabled.


Stupid Americans

Tom Metzger On Anarchism

This article was stolen - Anarchist style - from

Dear Terrible Tommy:

The white revolutionary movement can learn a lot from the anarchist movement. When the anarchist movement began in the 19th century its aims were to destroy capitalism, Christianity, Monarchy, and Democracy through "direct action". "Direct action" usually consisted of lone wolves creating havoc. A lone wolf anarchist killed the Russian Tsar in the late 1800s, another killed American president McKinley in 1901, and still another attempted to take out Franklin Rosenfeldt in the early 1930s. In the 1880s anarchists in France began to follow the theories of Emile Pouget, who taught that anarchists should infiltrate the bureaucracies of labor unions. This movement became known as anarcho-syndicalism (the followers were syndicalists). The syndicalists successfully infiltrated unions and spread havoc in the form of strikes, riots, and lone wolf violence. Although the anarchists and syndicalists were not overtly pro-white and often included Jews, they did have good ideas. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) led by Bill Haywood did a lot of revolutionary activity in America that we can learn from. I don't see why any of their ideas cant be used by us but with a pro-white slant. Haywood was charged but beat a murder case for the bombing death of the reactionary former governor of Idaho, an interesting man. Today the only people I see talk about anarchism are brainwashed nigger loving punk rockers. I think that may change when they see that the next wave of anarchism will bring on a race war.....[...].

Terrible Tommy says:
I agree but we do not need to carry old fashion labels to accomplish the same result. My opinion is that both National Socialists and Anarchists should update their labels. I am very aware of the history of the anarchists. Bakunin was definitely a white racist. I am not sure about Kropotkin If you had read my material and updates over the years I think you would find plenty of Racial Anarchist thinking. In short I have no problem at with dialogue and mutual respect for real Anarchists. As you say though not the bubblegummers who have never even studied the subject.

Christian Bouchet

Christian Bouchet was on the National Directorate of Resistance, a French national-revolutionary group. The following interview first appeared in Issue #9 of The English Alternative magazine.

Q: Would you provide our readers with a brief history of Revolutionary Nationalism in France, particularly with regard to your own previous involvement with Troisieme Voie?

CB: Revolutionary Nationalism came from the radical Leftist current of the French Revolution, with men like Hebert, Marat and Baboeuf. After that it was embodied in the Blanquist Movement until after the French Commune of 1870-1. These militants were at the same time both Socialists and Nationalists. At the end of the Second Empire this current was anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and believed in a form of Darwinian eugenics.

During the boulangisme and the Dreyfus Affair, the current became split between a section of the Left and Nationalist organisations. After that, and after the First World War, there were some Revolutionary Nationalist or Fascist movements like the Faisceau of Valois (a former Anarchist leader), the Parti Fasciste Revolutionnaire of Lamour, the Parti Populaire Francais of Doriot (a former Communist leader), and the Rassemblement National Populaire of Deat (a former Socialist leader). This ended in blood with the so-called �liberation� of France by the Allies. Thousands of people were killed by mobs or condemned to death by popular - in fact Communist - juries, because they were Fascists, Monarchists, Rightists and so on. At this time my grandfather was also condemned to death (thanks to the gods that he was not shot) and my whole family put into jail.

After the Second World War some tiny groups were founded like the Phalange of Lucas, which was in contact with Otto Strasser and the French section of its European Popular Movement. In the 1960�s Thiriart�s Jeune Europe came, too, followed in 1970 by Duprat (who was slain by Zionists in a car bombing). He formed the Groupe Nationaliste Revolutionnaire de Base as a faction operating both in and out of the Front National, which was created in 1972. After Duprat's death the same year, the Mouvement Nationaliste Revolutionnaire was formed by merging former members of the Group d�Action Jeunesses (an anti-Communist youth action group), the organisation Lutte du Peuple (a tiny group of Thiriart partisans, in which I served as Administrative Secretary), and the Groupe Nationaliste Revolutionnaire de Base. In 1985, the Mouvement Nationaliste Revolutionnaire changed its name to Troisieme Voie, with a youth wing called Jeune Garde.

Sometime later on, I was duly elected as the group's National Secretary. Within Troisieme Voie there was a struggle between disciples of Jean Thiriart - led by myself in a faction called Les Terceristes Radicaux [Radical Third Positionists] - and Malliarakis, the President of the party who was a reactionary. We expelled him in 1991 and then changed our name to Nouvelle Resistance. We had in Nouvelle Resistance a very National-Bolshevik orientation, and we were very active. We met and worked with former Communist leaders in Russia, officials in Libya, Islamic leaders, independence activists and so on.

At the same time we published a bi-monthly publication which was sold in all the newspaper shops in France and for two years we published a small weekly, too. We also used entryism to infiltrate the Greens (taking control of their youth section), regionalist movements and anti-fascist groups. In fact one of our members was able to infiltrate the International Socialists (French section of the Socialist Workers Party) to such an extent that he even slept with one of their female leaders! This led to great amusement when it was actually revealed in our newspaper that penetration had actually taken place on two fronts!!

Q: When and why did you actually decide to form Resistance?

CB: Our main problem was the growth of the Front National (FN), which became very popular amongst industrial workers, poor people and the youth of the lower social classes. So for us it was very difficult to gain new members and keep those we already had. In the summer of 1997 we decided to dissolve Nouvelle Resistance and to work as a fraction both in and out of the FN using the names Resistance and Jeune Resistance. Since this time, we have also worked alongside a student action group, called the Groupe d�Union et de Defense (GUD).

Q. What is the Movement�s attitude towards Jean Marie Le Pen and the Front National?

CB: For a very long time we were bitterly opposed to JMLP and the FN, but gradually the FN began to change under the influence of New Right thinkers. Its social base also changed, and the FN is now the leading workers� party in France. So it is difficult not to agree with it and impossible for a Nationalist to oppose the FN because its enemies are the same as ours: Zionists, Red activists, liberals, 'sexualdeviants' and so on. We now try to have an influence on its youth group and on its more radical wing. In many ways, we try to work as Militant has done in the Labour Party.

Q: You were heavily involved in the establishment of the European Liberation Front (ELF), so perhaps you would care to outline the aims and objectives of this committee?

CB: I think that we must unify the National Revolutionary forces in Europe and prepare them for a more effective war against the System. It is not easy. Usually, radical Nationalist groups are happy when they are exchanging letters and newspapers, and as far as they are concerned this is called �international relations�. The ELF believes that we must create a European Party, with one national directorate at a European level and regional directorates in each nation. In many ways, we must work like the Komintern.

Q: Who does Resistance consider to be its chief ideologues?

CB: The founders of Revolutionary Nationalism in France like Blanqui and Valois, but also Russians like Oustrialov, Germans like Paetel, Lass, Niekisch, Strasser and Junger, Italians like Bombacci, Evola and the Futurists, and Spaniards like Ledesma Ramos. We are also very influenced by Juan Peron, Jean Thiriart and Alain de Benoist.

Q: Given your support for political decentralisation, is a centralised Nationalist administration really a viable option or should we be looking to emulate certain strains of Anarchism?

CB: We need organic, grass-roots democracy and subsidiaries. Each level must decide to the best of its abilities.

Q: What do you consider to be the greatest single hurdle facing National Revolutionaries today?

CB: Non-European immigration and globalisation.

Q: What is your current position on armed struggle, and can you ever see this changing in the future?

CB: Before speaking of armed struggle you must determine who is the enemy. You must also have a wide social base like the PIRA, the Spanish ETA or Corsican FLNC. But even then armed struggle is very difficult. Jean Thiriart wrote that it needs an exterior lung (a non-European country which can assist) or a Piedmont (a European country which has begun the war abroad). We have neither of these. In France, the last armed struggle was that of the OAS during the early 1960's and it suffered a bloody defeat. I think that it is not yet the time to speak of armed struggle. It is romantic but not very serious, although the time will come.

Q: How do you view the current situation with regard to Revolutionary Nationalism in England?

CB: I have been interested in Mosley for a long time, and particularly with the post-war ideas of the BUF. I find it very strange that they are not more popular in English Nationalist circles, as their ideas of European union were good, better than petty bourgeois Nationalism. Since the demise of the National Front I had close links with Patrick Harrington and Third Way, but I do not understand the group�s evolution. It is too soft and liberal. I do not understand what he wants to do and where he wants to go. Ulster Nation is a courageous newspaper, but so tiny. Once I met Derek Holland and various other ITP leaders, but they were strange bigots with strange ideas who, when you oppose them, do not answer politically but label you either a faggot or a Satanist!! For me the ITP is not Revolutionary Nationalist but petty bourgeois and bigoted. In fact England is crying out for the creation of a real Revolutionary Nationalist organisation, one which will be proud of the past but look to the future. I think that the cultural fight must be as important as the political fight. A grass-roots cultural fight and not one of the university variety.

Q: And finally, Christian, is there anything you wish to add?

CB: Read Gramsci, learn of the good and bad experiences of groups in other countries. Be the best and you will attract the best.

We would like to thank Mr. Bouchet for taking the time to send us his thoughts.

Canada's harmless poppy quarter led to U.S. spy warnings

I found this article linked on the London Free Press website today, and I think it deserves to be here in it's full form.

Americans, for some weird reson, assume we have secrete spy technology in our money. Not only that, but they "filed confidential espionage accounts" of their story and what they thought had happened to them.

Talk about a conspiracy nut!

Mystery Revealed:
Canada's harmless poppy quarter led to U.S. spy warnings


WASHINGTON (AP) - The surprise explanation behind the U.S. government's sensational but false warnings about mysterious Canadian spy coins is the harmless poppy quarter, the world's first colourized coin.

The were so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. army contractors travelling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them.

The worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," said once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails.

The 25-cent piece features the red image of a poppy inlaid over a maple leaf. The quarter is identical to the coins pictured and described as suspicious in the contractors' accounts.

The supposed nano-technology actually was a conventional protective coating the Royal Canadian Mint applied to prevent the poppy's red colour from rubbing off. The mint produced nearly 30 million such quarters in 2004 commemorating Canada's 117,000 war dead.

"It did not appear to be electronic (analog) in nature or have a power source," wrote one U.S. contractor, who discovered the coin in the cup holder of a rental car.

"Under high-power microscope, it appeared to be complex consisting of several layers of clear but different material, with a wire like mesh suspended on top."

The confidential accounts led to a sensational warning from the U.S. Defence Security Service, an agency of the Defence Department, that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were found planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 as the contractors travelled through Canada.

One contractor believed someone had placed two of the quarters in an outer coat pocket after the contractor had emptied the pocket hours earlier.

"Coat pockets were empty that morning and I was keeping all of my coins in a plastic bag in my inner coat pocket," the contractor wrote.

Meanwhile, in Canada, senior intelligence officials expressed annoyance with the U.S. spy-coin warnings as they tried to learn more about the oddball claims.

"That story about Canadians planting coins in the pockets of defence contractors will not go away," Luc Portelance, now deputy director for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, wrote in a January e-mail to a subordinate.

"Could someone tell me more? Where do we stand and what's the story on this?"

Others in Canada's spy service also were searching for answers. "We would be very interested in any more detail you may have on the validity of the comment related to the use of Canadian coins in this manner," another intelligence official wrote in an e-mail.

"If it is accurate, are they talking industrial or state espionage? If the latter, who?" The identity of the e-mail's recipient was censored.

Intelligence and technology experts were flabbergasted by the warning when it was first publicized earlier this year. The warning suggested such transmitters could be used surreptitiously to track the movements of people carrying the coins.

"I thought the whole thing was preposterous, to think you could tag an individual with a coin and think they wouldn't give it away or spend it," said H. Keith Melton, a leading intelligence historian.

But Melton said the army contractors properly reported their suspicions.

"You want contractors or any government personnel to report anything suspicious," he said.

"You can't have the potential target evaluating whether this was an organized attack or a fluke."

The Defence Security Service disavowed its warning about spy coins after an international furore but until now it has never disclosed the details behind the embarrassing episode. The United States said it never substantiated the contractors' claims and performed an internal review to determine how the false information was included in a 29-page published report about espionage concerns.

The Defence Security Service never examined the suspicious coins, spokeswoman Cindy McGovern said.

"We know where we made the mistake," she said.

"The information wasn't properly vetted. While these coins aroused suspicion, there ultimately was nothing there."

Numismatist Dennis Pike, of Canadian Coin & Currency near Toronto, quickly matched a grainy image and physical descriptions of the suspect coins in the contractors' confidential accounts to the 25-cent poppy piece.

"It's not uncommon at all," Pike said.

He added the coin's protective coating glows peculiarly under ultraviolet light.

"That may have been a little bit suspicious," he said.

Some of the U.S. documents the AP obtained were classified "Secret/Noforn," meaning they were never supposed to be viewed by foreigners, even the closest U.S. allies. The government censored parts of the files, citing national security reasons, before turning over copies under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.

Nothing in the documents - except the reference to nanotechnology - explained how the contractors' accounts evolved into a full-blown warning about spy coins with radio frequency transmitters. Many passages were censored, including the names of contractors and details about where they worked and their projects.

But there were indications the accounts should have been taken lightly.

Next to one blacked-out sentence was this warning: "This has not been confirmed as of yet."

The Canadian intelligence documents, which also were censored, were turned over for $5 under the Access to Information Act. Canada cited rules for protecting against subversive or hostile activities to explain why it censored the papers.