Today as Racial Loyalists in Canada, we face a problem that is almost as bad as the immigration by third world trash to our "urban jungles". This problem is the thing we call, "Freedom Of Speech", or maybe I should say lack of freedom of speech.
Our struggle for freedom is a battle that will be won, but only when the White people of our nation - and the entire world - wake up to this mess we call multiculturalism. I sometimes find myself asking the same questions over and over again, without making any progress. The main question that I am referring to is:
"When will the White race stand up and reclaim all the good and wonderful things that have been taken away from us?"
As history has proved time and time again, the White race is above all, in every way. We are Nature's elite. We - the White Race - have been selected by Nature to be the supreme on this planet. We built the greatest civilizations to ever grace the green lands of this Earth, only to have them crushed by the failed social experiment turned disease known as multiculturalism.
The fat cat politicians in office don't care about White Canadians, or the White race in general. They are puppets of another system, a system that controls not only the Canadian people, but all peoples in the White world through proxy. The Zionist infiltration and influence within our government is deep, my White racial comrades.
But what does this mean for Whites Canadians living under this current government which is corrupt and treasonous? Well, to me, my brothers and sisters, it means that we European Canadians will be forced into a corner, we will be battered and bruised, tormented and harassed, and all of this by the very politicians that WE - the people - elected into parliament. Democracy is failing all around us, and the Goym puppets in office who work for the the Jew World Order are working as hard as they can to destroy White rights and civil liberties.
For example, lets take a look at a 'man' named Richard Warman. Some of you may be familiar with his name. Richard Warman is a lawyer who has worked for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and is funded by Jewish groups such as the B'nai Brith, along with other vehemently Jewish sources. He is responsible for reporting and prosecuting White Racial Loyalists in court for violations of sections 318 and 319 the Canadian Human Rights Act(in other words - a thought crime - or as they call it - a hate crime).
The slime ball has reported members of the Canadian Heritage Alliance, the Northern Alliance, The Canadian Nazi Party and many others. Warman has even targeted White Racialists for posting on the Internet in alleged violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act! That's right, that rat bastard Richard Warman is targeting people for expressing themselves on the Internet!
For example, lets take a look at a 'man' named Richard Warman. Some of you may be familiar with his name. Richard Warman is a lawyer who has worked for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and is funded by Jewish groups such as the B'nai Brith, along with other vehemently Jewish sources. He is responsible for reporting and prosecuting White Racial Loyalists in court for violations of sections 318 and 319 the Canadian Human Rights Act(in other words - a thought crime - or as they call it - a hate crime).
The slime ball has reported members of the Canadian Heritage Alliance, the Northern Alliance, The Canadian Nazi Party and many others. Warman has even targeted White Racialists for posting on the Internet in alleged violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act! That's right, that rat bastard Richard Warman is targeting people for expressing themselves on the Internet!
What about a day dedicated tothe late, great religious founder of Creativity - the man who brought the White race their own religion for the first time in history - Ben Klassen? What about an Adolf Hitler day maybe? After all, wasn't Adolf Hitler a civil rights activist that brought his people out of poverty, and brought Germany out of the ashes of WW1, both economically and socially? Didn't he have a "dream" too?
My point is that we must not let them destroy our culture and steal our pride, only to replace it with alien elements.
We must unite for a greater cause, the cause of expanding the White race and reclaiming what is rightfully ours. Will I ever see this new era in my lifetime? Probably not, but maybe my children, or my children's children will, and after all, isn't that who we fight this fight for? It's time that the White Canadians of European descent arise to a new dawn, a brighter and whiter world!
In this once wonderful nation known as Canada, we are seeing the message of racial solidarity being silenced by the enemies of our race, and the views and opinions of our people are being suppressed. The people expressing these opinions are usually locked up in jail without being charged or they are charged with a hate crime.
Men like Ernst Zundel, a historical revisionist - a senior citizen - who has just currently sentenced to 5 years in German prison. Prior to his sentencing he served several years in Canadian maximum security before being sentenced or even charged with a crime. The Canadian government considered this well educated and respectable senior citizen as a threat to national security.
Those filthy traitors.
The Jewish influence that sits on the Canadian Parliament Hill has made Zundel's life a living hell, along with the help of the Governments of the USA and Germany.
He has been charged and convicted of publishing false facts - as they call it - about certain events that occurred during the second world war, mainly the number of holocaust victims and survivors there were, and the treatment of Jews by the National Socialist regime. In an attempt to save the good name of his people - the German people - he was targeted by the very same people who had targeted the Germans in the 1930's, the Jews and Zionists. Ernst Zundel is a Prisoner of War. A war the we must never stop fighting until we win.
How it became illegal to question the accuracy of historical events still blows my mind.
Think of men like Galileo who said that the sun did not revolve around the Earth, and in contrast it worked the opposite way. He was persecuted because he did not believe what they considered to be fact. It was also once a "fact" that the Earth was flat.
If you are an American or from some other country that allows total free speech, you may be asking yourself why the government would arrest people for talking. Well, the answer is simple my racial kinsmen. The answer is FEAR. They fear opposition. They fear resistance. They fear being exposed for what they truly are - a bloodthirsty coalition of regimes under Zionist rule.
Comrades, we must love our own people, and we must secure the existence of our race at any cost. We must do whatever it takes for our blood and honour! There are men and women who currently stand as dissidents against the 'powers that be' in our nation. These people are in constant danger of having their lives stolen from them all because they have seen the truth. People have their jobs taken away, their social lives destroyed, they become subject of terror attacks, they are murdered etc., and all because of puppets like Richard Warman and the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Their agenda to force totalitarian multiculturalism on the European peoples of this nation in order to destroy the social fabric of society is working. The White race needs to open their eyes and take a look around. The Earth is being polluted by multiculturalism and it's time that we - the elite of Nature - the White race - started doing our part.
Today it seem to be the modern trend to assume if that anyone who is proud of their White heritage and has racial identity is a big, bad, baby eating, goose stepping, 3rd Reich uniformed, Noe-Nazi, hate mongering skinhead. This is far from the truth. Not all racially aware white people want to kill off the other races. Not all racially aware people are terrorists. Not all racially aware people are violent. Its just that simple.
We need to unite under one banner, as one people. I want every one that is reading this to remember these words:
We must stand up for what we know is right. Being White and proud is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. They force racial tolerance in the schools and in the work place. They advocate multiculturalism among the citizens through their propaganda machine - the jew tube. When a white person wants to be proud of their own heritage though, it's automatically a crime! A hate crime!
How it became illegal to question the accuracy of historical events still blows my mind.
Think of men like Galileo who said that the sun did not revolve around the Earth, and in contrast it worked the opposite way. He was persecuted because he did not believe what they considered to be fact. It was also once a "fact" that the Earth was flat.
If you are an American or from some other country that allows total free speech, you may be asking yourself why the government would arrest people for talking. Well, the answer is simple my racial kinsmen. The answer is FEAR. They fear opposition. They fear resistance. They fear being exposed for what they truly are - a bloodthirsty coalition of regimes under Zionist rule.
Comrades, we must love our own people, and we must secure the existence of our race at any cost. We must do whatever it takes for our blood and honour! There are men and women who currently stand as dissidents against the 'powers that be' in our nation. These people are in constant danger of having their lives stolen from them all because they have seen the truth. People have their jobs taken away, their social lives destroyed, they become subject of terror attacks, they are murdered etc., and all because of puppets like Richard Warman and the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Their agenda to force totalitarian multiculturalism on the European peoples of this nation in order to destroy the social fabric of society is working. The White race needs to open their eyes and take a look around. The Earth is being polluted by multiculturalism and it's time that we - the elite of Nature - the White race - started doing our part.
Today it seem to be the modern trend to assume if that anyone who is proud of their White heritage and has racial identity is a big, bad, baby eating, goose stepping, 3rd Reich uniformed, Noe-Nazi, hate mongering skinhead. This is far from the truth. Not all racially aware white people want to kill off the other races. Not all racially aware people are terrorists. Not all racially aware people are violent. Its just that simple.
We need to unite under one banner, as one people. I want every one that is reading this to remember these words:
We must stand up for what we know is right. Being White and proud is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. They force racial tolerance in the schools and in the work place. They advocate multiculturalism among the citizens through their propaganda machine - the jew tube. When a white person wants to be proud of their own heritage though, it's automatically a crime! A hate crime!
You don't have to agree with everything I say, it's your choice to think what you wish, but please remember that our cause is one that will never end. We are here to stay, whether anyone likes it or not. We want freedom. Together we can rise up and take our land back and it's our duty to protect our ancient bloodline. Remember who you are and where you come from, because it shapes who you will become.
Nature's Law is above Man's Law, and forced multiculturalism is unnatural. White Canadians of European ancestry built this once great nation, only to have it stolen away by Liberal disregard for cultural preservation. Don't let them take our freedoms away, or at least what freedoms we have left. We must do whatever it takes to ensure our freedoms. It's time to make a change....
You can make a difference.
We can make a BIG difference.
Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan
Nature's Law is above Man's Law, and forced multiculturalism is unnatural. White Canadians of European ancestry built this once great nation, only to have it stolen away by Liberal disregard for cultural preservation. Don't let them take our freedoms away, or at least what freedoms we have left. We must do whatever it takes to ensure our freedoms. It's time to make a change....
You can make a difference.
We can make a BIG difference.
Thank you for reading,
The Ontaryan
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