Jesus Camp

ANSWP Commander Bill White speaking on the film, Jesus Camp:

I just saw the movie "Jesus Camp", which is a documentary on the Evangelical movement, particularly the bizarre and largely heretical Presbyterian speaking in tongues dancing around version of it. (And by "heretical", I mean a movement which, in its teachings, is largely in discord with the word of the Bible and Christ).

I am not a Christian, but....


Source: Bill White/'s Blog

Immigration Minister Resigns:Liberal $candal

TORONTO -- A provincial cabinet minister resigned and Premier Dalton McGuinty publicly apologized yesterday, following a highly critical report by the auditor general into the so-called "Colle-gate slush fund" scandal.

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Mike Colle took a political swan dive yesterday after the auditor reported that he was involved in the handing out of $32.5 million in capital grants to multicultural groups with little scrutiny and, in some cases, based on no more than a conversation with him or his political staff.

"Mike and I agree the minister must be held accountable and that stepping aside is the right thing to do," McGuinty said.

Auditor General Jim McCarter found no evidence the organizations were given funds because they had political ties, although a few groups did have some links to the Liberal party.



Jamaican Drug Bust In Halifax

180 kg of drugs seized in Halifax

HALIFAX (CP) - Almost 200 kilograms of hash oil and marijuana from Jamaica were seized at the port of Halifax after border officials searched a shipping container packed with yams, the Canadian Border Services Agency said Friday.


Iran Talking Tough With Canada

19 arrested in drug crackdown

London police say they made a "substantial" dent in crime in the Forest City after arresting 19 people and charging 12 from this area for firearms and drug-related offences.


Baron Von Hund - Aussie Nationalist

Mulroney Ordered To Pay Businessman $470,000

OTTAWA (CP) - Brian Mulroney has been ordered by a court to pay $470,000 to former business associate Karlheinz Schreiber.

The order comes in a default judgment by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Schreiber sued the former prime minister to recoup $300,000 in cash the businessman says he handed to Mulroney over three meetings in hotel rooms in New York and Montreal in 1993 and 1994. Mulroney had already left politics at the time.
Brian Mulroney has been ordered by a court
to pay $470,000 to former
business associate Karlheinz Schreiber.

Mulroney's lawyer Kenneth Prehogan appeared shocked by the ruling, saying it would be set aside because he has argued all along that the Ontario court had no jurisdiction to consider the lawsuit.

In his statement of claim, Schreiber said the cash was to enlist Mulroney's help in establishing an arms factory in Quebec and a pasta-machine business.



Clothesline Ban Is 'Beyond Silly'

Clothesline ban is 'beyond silly': WWF

Seeing a neighbour's underwear billowing in the wind may be unsightly but a growing number of environmentalists are calling on the province to lift the ban on clotheslines.

The Liberals passed a law shortly after their election in 2003 that would override local bans on clotheslines imposed by municipalities and residential associations.

But the Liberals never formally enacted the regulation so it's still against the law in some places to hang your clean laundry out to dry.


A Knight In Shining Armour

Okay, I know the title of this blog is a little cheesy. Bare with me.

Reading the LONDON FREE PRESS' letters to the editor section, I came accross the following.

T. Anne Knight, I agree 101% with you!

To see what she(?) is refering to, please click here.

Flags flapping in the breeze

In my opinion the only flags that should be flown from any government building are the Canadian flag, the provincial flag and the city flag.

Anyone who wishes to fly any other flag may do so from their own home, office or club.

T. Anne Knight

Anti-White JEW Capitalist Preserving Historic Site In St. Thomas

Shmuel Farhi, an Anti-White JEW Capitali$t who owns much of the London downtown core, is the owner of St. Thomas' old Court House.

Farhi, an anti-White a$$hole on the business front, seems to really want to preserve this wonderful historic building in St. Thomas, which happens to be older than Canada herself.

I may not like Farhi's business techniques, nor do I care for his opinion regarding White "Anglo-Saxons", nor do I even really like the fact that a non-European Canadian owns so much of Canada - but - I do like the fact that he's preserving our cultural sites.

There must be a lot of money in it for him, or else he wouldn't be so eager to help $ave and re$tore the building.

Order in court, Farhi urges

The 154-year-old Elgin County Courthouse in St. Thomas is doomed if the province doesn't end
the search for a new courthouse site, the building's owner warned yesterday.

London real estate dynamoShmuel Farhi -- who has offered the building to the city in a desperate bid to save it -- said "it's a travesty" the province and city aren't working together to preserve the landmark.



Illegal Mexican Immigrants In Canada Eaten By Bear?

Eluding a border posse near Waterton park has left a pair of suspected illegal immigrants between burning timber and a grizzly bear.

On Tuesday night, RCMP apprehended two Hispanic men running along Hwy. 6 on the Canadian side of the border near the Chief Mountain Crossing, 200 km southwest of Calgary.

Another man was apprehended in shrubbery nearby, but two other males escaped.



Dumb Myths & Smart Facts About Slavery

Black slavery in America was pretty bad, kids, but it wasn't anything special. Throughout history, every color of the rainbow has owned slaves and been enslaved. The dictionary tells us that the root word of "slave" is "Slav," because Slavic peoples—who are REALLY pale and white—were the primary slave population throughout the Middle Ages. And though your teachers will never tell you this, there have been long stretches of history where Africans have owned white people as slaves! How do you like THEM apples? The empire of Carthage transported white slaves to Africa. The African Moors ruled Spain for 500 years and sent white Christian slaves to Egypt. And poor, defenseless white kids—just like you!—were kidnapped by Muslims during the Children's Crusade and sold into Egyptian slavery.

No, kids—the blacks, Arabs, and Jews were involved, too.

• BLACKS: The president of an African country called Benin recently apologized to American blacks for his country's role in the slave trade. Slavery was common throughout Africa, with entire tribes becoming enslaved after losing battles. Tribal chieftains often sold their defeated foes to white slave-traders. In the late 1700s, a freed black American slave named Ottobah Cugoano wrote, "I was first kidnapped and betrayed by my own complexion, who were the first cause of my exile and slavery."

• ARABS: The word "Abed" means "slave" in Arabic. It also means "black." The "Holy Land" of the Middle East has hosted far more African slaves than North America ever did.

• JEWS: The oldest synagogue in America was built by Aaron Lopez, a Jewish slave trader. Jewish writers such as Cecil Roth, Wilfred Samuels, Seymour B. Liebman, and Moshe Kahan acknowledge that Jews were involved in all levels of the African slave trade.

In fact, children, white Christians were the first group to make a concerted effort to ABOLISH slavery.

Of the 10 to 15 million Africans who were transplanted to the New World, no more than 6 percent—around 400,000—went to the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all of them went to South America, but you don't see your teachers giving Brazil a hard time, do you?

Blacks were never close to a majority in America, so it's mathematically impossible for most whites to have owned black slaves. At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves. If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.

An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860. One study concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves.

Although your textbooks are silent about it, most historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as "slaves." White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s.

Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten—sometimes to death—and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom. It's possible that more whites came to America against their will than blacks. Historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves.

England only started sending convicts to Australia in 1776—when the American Revolution made it impossible for them to continue sending their convicts here. By 1776, more than 50,000 convict slave laborers had already been sent to America. That's a lotta criminals, kids!

According to statistics, farm work is relatively safe. It is far more dangerous to be a lumberjack, Alaskan crab fisherman, coal miner, or cabdriver. Either way, white slaves were forced to pick cotton under the hot sun, too, which is where they got those red necks.

American blacks enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population on earth. Their average per capita income is TWENTY to FIFTY times higher than in any of the African countries from where they were displaced. It's true that part of America's wealth was built on black slavery; it is also true that American blacks are enjoying the fruits of that wealth. You, fair child, whether you were born black or white, weren't born in debt to anyone. You were born free. Don't let the bad people take it away from you.

When General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, it had been nearly 20 years since Lee owned slaves—he freed his slaves in the late 1840s. In 1856, five years before the Civil War started, he wrote that slavery was "a moral and political evil." On the other hand, General Grant STILL owned slaves at the end of the Civil War, because Abe Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation cleverly outlawed slavery only in the South. Grant had stated that he would refuse to fight if he thought the war had anything to do with slavery. And hey, kids, even if it WAS fought to end slavery, how often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them?

The US government estimates that 50,000 humans are brought into their country every year for the purpose of forced labor. Various agencies estimate that there are anywhere from 27 to 200 million humans currently enslaved worldwide. (Compare this to only four and a half million slaves at American slavery's peak.) Most of these slaves live in South Asia, Africa, and South America. Their labor comes far cheaper and is much more profitable than black American slavery was. In many horrifying cases, poverty-stricken women sell their vaginas on the black market and become lifelong sex slaves to fat, stinky men for as little as $1,500. In today's dollars, a black slave in the American South cost approximately $40,000.

Remember, kids—the enemy's all around you, and he comes in all colors. Slavery exists in so many ways, children. Open your eyes before they shackle your asses.

Stop The Slaughter

Norway and Canada have a new kind of tourism. Killing baby seals. They
call it a "sport"..

You want to call this a sport ?

Is he a sportsman?


You're our only hope !!!

This barbarism shouldnt be possible in our society..

Dont turn your back on us, we are defenseless

I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain. We are
being slaughtered and its going on RIGHT NOW...

What gives him the right to kill us? Who is he to decide about life and

What kind of sport is this? I didnt harm anyone. I was just swimming

Please help me and my friends...

You cant just ignore these images.. Keeping silent and doing nothing
makes you guilty...

Please help us

Please dont leave us alone...


Bring these murderers to the attention

of world leaders.


Living creatures are suffering for your comfort.

This is wrong to the highest level. Please help spread
awareness of the animals that go through testing. It is not right and
should be stopped. The following images are of animals that have been
used for consumer product testing. They are graphic.