For Our People

This weeks show is:

A history of Paul Fromm ... A man for the People (Part 1)

The political origins of Canada's leading immigration reform activist. From the Fidel Castro communist rebels and Paul Fromm's parents to his early political education. Paul's political life started in his early life and was mainly influenced by the Communist threat and the immigration invasion of Toronto, that went from a primarily European society. In 1961, Toronto was 99% European. Today, the European founder settler people are a minority.

The displacement of Anglo-Saxon/European Canadians through ethnic cleansing on the installment plan, had a great impact on Paul Fromm. The Immigration Revolution was never put to a vote in Canada, but rather forced on the population, done by stealth, lies and bullsh*t.

By the last year of Paul Fromm at the University of Toronto, his political destiny as a Freedom Fighter was forged out of the Communist/Marxist attack on free thinking Canadians, and their fellow travelers in places like the Canadian Human Rights Commission.